Sold Apex Legends 300 Legendery item 3x heirlooms 30k kills (masters)

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Account' started by SeifIsNotReal, 6/15/21.

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  1. SeifIsNotReal

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    hello im selling a full apex legends of skins almost every skin on the game (all editions,bloodhound wraith and pathfinder heirloom)
    battle pass s1 lvl 110
    battle pass s2 lvl 110
    battle pass s3 lvl 110
    battle pass s4 lvl 110
    battle pass s5 lvl 110
    battle pass s6 lvl 110
    battle pass s7 lvl 110
    battle pass s8 lvl 110
    battle pass s9 lvl 75
    so many very rare skins,and pay2win items,almost all events
    the account have 30k+ kills in total with masters badge and dive trail with 2.6k...

    Apex Legends 300 Legendery item 3x heirlooms 30k kills (masters)
    #1 SeifIsNotReal, 6/15/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/29/23
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