Selling  iOS AoW Account Lvl. 15 Davison and many Lvl. 9 troops

Discussion in 'Art of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SirWutzington, 5/20/21.

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  1. SirWutzington

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    Unverified Member

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    Lvl 9 Troops (40 in total)
    6x Undead Soldier
    6x magic Apprentice
    4x Peltast
    4x Paladins
    3x Pilgrims
    3x harbringer of Fire
    2x Meteor Golem
    2x Taurus Witcher
    2x Ice Mage
    2x Brawalers
    2x Ghost Assasin
    1x Demon
    1x Nun
    1x Catapult
    1x Archers

    Lvl 8 Troops (48 in total)
    5x Ice Mage
    4x harbringer of Fire
    4x Ghost Assassin
    3x Frost Archers
    3x Peltats
    3x Taurus Witcher
    2x Pumpkin Guard
    2x Voodoo Dolls
    2x Goblikazes
    2x Ballista
    2x Scholar
    2x Viking Warrior
    1x Witchcraft Totem
    1x Stone Golem
    1x Rhino Knight
    1x Sacred Swordsman
    1x Demon
    1x Dark Witch
    1x Magic Apprentice
    1x Inquisitor
    1x Soul Hunter
    1x Brawler
    1x Paladin
    1x bandits
    1x Fire Mage
    1x Archer

    11x Lvl 7 Troops
    12x Lvl 6 Troops
    21x Lvl 5 Troops
    15x Lvl 4 Troops
    60 Lvl 3-1 Troops


    Lvl 15 Davison
    Lvl 11 Dante / Diana /
    Lvl 10 Hohenheim / Green
    Lvl 9-1 in total 24 (12 Legendary)

    Game-Stats at the Moment

    Level 33 (113.820 XP)
    4300 Hunting Medals
    20k Diamonds
    1,5 Mio Coins
    Top 10.000 Account
    Expedition 295/300 Stars
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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