Anyone else notice the PUBG hacks look questionable?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by PlushyG, 7/30/17.

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  1. PlushyG

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    I've been doing some research into what's available... have seen some chams/ESP etc mostly. I guess there are aimbots, but I've seen reports of people getting banned using the sites I've looked into.

    I've also noticed that a lot of the "promo videos" for these hacks have them using beta servers or even like a Japanese server, which I'm totally unaware of there being an option for... which makes it all that much more questionable. (Because if the hacks are undetected, why are they using them on a fake server?)

    I'd really love to get hacks for PUBG, but so far it looks like there aren't great options.

    As for bans, I'm hearing reports that some people are being banned across multiple accounts (HWID ban, I guess)...

    Should I keep waiting for something better, or avoid hacks altogether?
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