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Discussion in 'Call of Duty CoD Black Ops Cold War Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by budgotov, 3/6/21.

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  1. budgotov

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    write before buying: my discord bud'gotov#0632 and telegram @comingforyou22

    °We have been working since season 5. In many countries: China, the United States, Europe and the CIS.

    To get an up-to-date list of available kits, write to the discord bud'gotov#0632 and telegram @comingforyou22

    The transaction is 100% secure, you only need to provide your Activision ID and add our account to friends.

    °The deadline is 7 days from the date of the request to friends.

    ❓ Why do you have to wait 7 days? Unfortunately, this is not a problem on our part, so Activision is trying to fight the sellers(

    The set will come in the form of a gift. This function is available, but few people know about it. The transfer of the set is completely legal. The transfer process is semi-automatic.

    Attention! (Delivery may be delayed)
    #1 budgotov, 3/6/21
    Last edited: 3/7/21
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