Any account with the below conditions

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/13/15.

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  1. Games

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    Want to buy a Wartune account with the following conditions below:

    r2 games or wartune .com ONLY (But either European server or US server)

    All accounts must have the full legendary set (rings and jewels included) of the level bracket. No level 45 or 55 sets. PM me with offers or comment below. If the BR is higher than the required BR, I will pay more for it, simple

    Don't make offers for anything below level 40, I will ignore the post

    Level 40-49: 40K+ BR

    Level 50-59: 65K+ BR

    Blue sylphs. Purple and above will get you a higher price. Mount strength higher than 1200

    Level 60-69: 80K+ BR

    Same as above conditions and at least one evolved sylph. Mount strength higher than 2000. Must have a good supply of mount training whips, gems and soul crystals for events

    Level 70-70: 125K+ BR

    Same as above conditions and an orange evolved sylph with all skill slots full. Mount strength higher than 5000

    Level 80: 175K+ BR

    You need to have an excellent supply of items for events now. Mount strength higher than 7500. Remember the evolved orange sylph is still required and another one would be nice.

    PM me or comment below if you are advertising an account or have any further questions.

    Read my message.

    Lvl 73 br 135k 80$

    check my char and offer WTS [H] PvE 70 Druid With 4 sets of epics for all 3 specs.Plus other toons

    edit nm.
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