Selling   Average Animal Jam 12 Month Recurring Membership

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shinoa Hiragi, 1/14/18.

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  1. Shinoa Hiragi

    Shinoa Hiragi
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    I have an animal jam account with recurring membership for 12 months. Its cost ranges from 59.99-74.99. The recurring membership will NOT be taken off, you will get the password, email and username once you buy it. The username is the only free thing I will give out. Play wild account is free with it. Both members, play wild has arctic wolf, arctic fox, deer, komodo dragon, 10573 sapphires and a lot of gems. Play wild account has 2 spiked collars, both good, and a pet cobra. Both accounts are rare. The PC account has 4-5 headdress, 2-3 long sets, and lots of den betas. The main price to get EVERYTHING included is 74.99. When you pay 74.99, you get:
    PC and Play Wild account
    12 month reccuring membership
    4-5 headdresses
    2-3 good long sets (black, pink, purple)
    a party hat
    4-5 worn blankets
    hundreds of den betas
    and you only pay ONCE!

    If you are interested in buying, please contact me at [email protected]
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