Animal Crossing New Horizons - Ice DIY Set This set includes the following DIY's: - Three-tiered Snowman - Snowflake Wreath - Snowflake Pochette - Ski-slope Wall - Ski-slope Flooring - Iceberg Flooring - Iceberg Wall - Snowperson Head - Ice Wand - Ice Wall - Ice Floor - Snowflake Wall AND..... - 50 Snowflakes - 20 Large SnowflakesDM me with any questions you may have I will try to respond ASAP. Once your order has been placed you will need a Nintendo Switch Online Subscription to receive all the items. [SIZE=4][COLOR=#4dffff]1. Head to Dodo Airlines (must be at least the second day after your file was started).[/COLOR][/SIZE] 2. Choose, "I want visitors" so I may visit your town. 3. Choose, "Via online play" so you can connect online. 4. Choose, "Invite via Dodo Code" so I can connect to your airport's gate (please do not share this code with anyone at the time of our trade!). 5. Choose, "The more the merrier" so I will be able to enter your town. 6. Choose, "Yeah, invite anyone" so you are given your Dodo Code. You will need to do the following: 7. Finally, message me with your Dodo Code and island name so I know I am going to the right island. [COLOR=#ff0000]I do not own the rights to Nintendo, Animal Crossing, or any digitized information within the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. What you are paying is the time I invest in getting the resources/materials.[/COLOR]