VIP max = 15 account 4kk = 4 000 000 diamonds) Huge reserves of all 10g+ resources A huge number of accelerators T10 shooters / T9 guardians / T10 carriers Battle account more than 9kkk kills High ratings Great damage to marmot and pangolin Anthill strength is more than 400kk Android - Google Account all buildings maximum 11★ Devil Flower 9★ beetle atlas 8★ beetle atlas and many others Clan (alliance) from the top All existing non-donated orange special ants of the maximum level +A bunch of duplicates 86 Orange shells 1700+ Orange eggs ready for you to open Top build for shooters: Wise berserker maximum - 8 ★ Fuzzy ant maximum - 8 ★ African tailor ant - 4 ★ Agile tree ant 6★ Componotus chromaiodes 2★ Thaumatomirmax Atrox 2★ Golden armor 4★ + Almost all seasonal special ants And All existing non-donated orange special ants of the maximum level +A bunch of duplicates T10 shooters / T9 guardians / T10 carriers More than 1115 days of continuous login to the game. Awesome account to enjoy the game. At a very affordable price. Don't miss your chance.