Here is everything from the account after 3 years of playing it daily. 21k gems 2021 Heroic Scrolls 910 feathers 530 Prophet Orb 544k Brave Trial Tokens 30 Soul Symbol (Regression Stone) 247 Super Wishing Coins 1028 Wishing Coins P2W Artifact : 2 x Magic Stone Sword 1 x Antlers Cane 1 x Kiss of Ghost 3 x Augustus Magic Ball Good Artifact : 2 x Magic Source 3 x Orb of Annihilation 3 MAXED PET : DEER PHOENIX FOX 4th one almost done ---- HEROES ---- E5 : TARA, AIDA, BELRAIN, CARRIE, ASPEN, DARK ARTHINDOL, GARUDA E3 : ASPEN 456 Hero Space 314 x 5* Summoned Summoned DARK (38 x 5*) : 1 x 7* AMEN-RA 4 x 5* AMEN-RA 1 x 5* ASPEN 2 x 5* MIHM 4 x 5* DARK ARTHINDOL 6 x 6* dark puppets Summoned LIGHT (38 x 5*) : 1 x 5* BELRAIN 3 x 5* ASMODEL 9 x 6* light puppets Summoned FOREST (56 x 5*) : 1 x 6* Fodder 13 x 5* VALKYRIE 2 x 5* OBERON Summoned ABYSS (86 x 5*) : 1 x 6* Fodder 8 x 5* CTHUGHA 12 x 5* KROOS 13 x 5* KING BARTON Summoned FORTRESS (44 x 5*) : 1 x 9* Fodder 2 x 6* Fodder 2 x 5* UNIMAX-3000 2 x 5* PENNY 6 x 5* XIA 13 x 5* VALENTINO 10 x 5* SIGMUND Summoned SHADOW (52 x 5*) : 5 x 6* Fodder 1 x 5* GUSTIN 4 x 5* HORUS 11 x 5* JAHRA 12 x 5* KAMATH BAG : LIGHT : 1 x 5* RUSSEL 1 x 5* TARA 2 x 5* AIDA 1 x 5* BELRAIN 3 x 5* FAITH BLADE 4 x 5* MICHELLE 6 x 5* AMODEL 8 x 5* GERKE 25 x 5* FODDERS 1 x 5* light elite shards + 3 x 5* dark / light elite shards (seal land) DARK : 1 x 5* CARRIE 1 x 5* AMEN-RA 3 x 5* ASPEN 8 x 5* MIMH 5 x 5* DAS MOGE 4 x 5* AMUVOR 3 x 5* DARK ARTHINDOL 4 x 5* FODDERS 1 x 5* dark elite shards + 3 x 5* dark / light elite shards (seal land) OTHER : 197 x 5* 4 x 5* elite shards 865 x 4* random shards 789 x 3* random shards 6 x orange exclusive artifact 16 x orange artifact
I have a roblox and brawl stars account both worth at least 350 will trade both for this account discord NSP#6098 for ss and details if interested