Sold Android Asia Embrace + Golden touch and more

Discussion in 'Identity V Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell' started by Kitsugawa, 5/27/21.

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  1. Kitsugawa

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    This is not my account I am just helping a friend trade

    Dm victors.simp (insta) or Victor's Letters#0075 (disc) to offer!

    The account is Android Asia from season 4 with no dmm ! LF Android Na/Eu offers with
    Embrace, Keyboard, Specter(final present)
    Firefly(glowing feather) Yesterday(oath)
    ToN(beneath the rose) Crimson bride(red shoes, caged butterfly and fatal affection optional)
    Bloodbath, lady bella(perfect puppet) last dance(viper cane)(scarlett optional)

    (very picky on trading...

    Android Asia Embrace + Golden touch and more
    #1 Kitsugawa, 5/27/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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