Andoid knD account 13 epics 4 epic+ guild sentinel

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    Hey guys. I almost have spend a lot of mony in this account to recive epic armors... this game is amazing but i cant play anymore because i have to work a lot :-/

    Lvl 120 guild sentinel so you maby can reace

    stats like 3200/2800 with triskelon+ or higher armors


    Sandstorm + maxed

    Triskelion + maxed

    Centurion + maxed

    Specters + maxed


    Aquatic battlegear maxed

    Drudic maxed

    Blazeborn 52

    Sandstorm maxed

    Centurion maxed

    Specters maxed

    SKY majesty 41

    Aborsteel 40

    Northerners 25

    Lilith Mantel+ maxed!!! Very nice legandery

    U can ad me in line: xRioDa

    It Says User Not Found, I'm Interested But I Cannot Add Your Line, Please Contact sonzy201 On Line!
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