Selling Anarchy Online ACCOUNT! lots lvl 100+

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 9/26/13.

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    Anarchy Online ACCOUNT! lots lvl 100+

    hey guys, im selling one of my anarchy online accounts
    has all expansions and tons of higher level char's

    main on account is: 165 Nano Tech ( wizard / nuker)
    he is by far one of the best AE power levelers on the server!
    has boil blood to keep agro and Kels nuke and damage mods for nukes!

    also on this account is 150 Agent he has almost full set of Ofab ARMOR on! lots of nice gear i use him to farm s10!

    level 100 SOLDIER Atrox !!! FULL ofab even Ofab Shark !!! he is one of the best PVP'ers and awsome in PVE perfect for any situation and one of my favorite to play!

    126 Enngineer omg your own trade skill whore and he is good at it too!
    he can make alot of nice armors and items from scratch! QL 190+ implants and armor maker!

    this account also has a 60's twink for TOTW farming and service!
    TOTW is level capped at 60.

    this account with NT alone can be a major cash cow! when doing Heckler kites for teams i would average 200 Mil credits a evening or more also some nice items as tips for the kite service!

    the agent can blitz about any mission and farm s10 for combined armors and viral bots worth ALOT!

    the engineer can build almost anything and makes decent tips for just standing around combining items! perfect for lazy days when you want a break from kiting or farming

    the lvl 60 twink CAN kill Azture the Immortal solo. his sword alone can bring in a 5 mil tip easy.

    lots of items in all there banks and inventory. there is still some cash on the account.
    (sold as is with all intact)

    you can make offers here im accepting PayPal only for security
    i deliver on 100% of what i post No scams No bull

    im to busy to play any games "AO , 2moons , EQ , 9dragons"
    so im selling off what i have and hope who ever gets them puts them to good use. i spent ALOT of time and endless effort into Hand leveling my accounts over the last several years.

    RK1 220/30 + points for rename endgame pvp setup

    Full CS armor Except ofab boots/helmet.
    Every ingame nano. Much more and great price.
    Email for details [email protected]
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