Anarchy Online Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anarchy, 9/30/13.

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  1. Anarchy

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    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

    Likes Received:
    Tradeskills: pvp char not tser
    Nanos: everything that a nt 220 needs to have ,db quests etc
    Tokens: like 400
    Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    Please List All Gear And Character: keeper level 150 stripped
    Please List All Gear And Character: fixer 25 ga1
    Please List All Gear And Character: doc 178 stripped
    Please List All Gear And Character: shade 176 piecring evil/ky rapier spirtits etc misses belt and ncu
    Please List All Gear And Character: crat stripped most of it level 164
    How many alts over Level 100:
    Alternate Character Server: RK2 - Rimor
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Enforcer
    Alternate Character Server: RK2 - Rimor
    Alternate Character Level: 164
    Alternate Character Profession: Bureaucrat
    Alternate Character Server: RK2 - Rimor
    Alternate Character Level: 176
    Alternate Character Profession: Shade
    Alternate Character Server: RK2 - Rimor
    Alternate Character Level: 178
    Alternate Character Profession: Doctor

    Additional Information
    account is good to go ...primary char the nt is level 220/10 has full db/combined officers etc

    Total Credits
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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