WTS a few HON accounts First is a GREAT HON ACCOUNT with 90% SHOP STUFF In stash: About 200 alt avatars including Gold, ??, Limited and Collections [7 Sins, Rise of Ra, Horsemen of the Apocalypse] 4 name colors 6 announcers 12 taunts 10 couriers 50+ icons and symbols. Rename & Sub-account 2700 Gold & 1300 Silver Coins! Clear stats. Price - 300$ ---------- Second ---------- 70+ alt avatars 1 name color [Emerald Green] 3 announcer [Seductive, Badas$, British Gentleman] 3 taunts [ACME, Dropping Gs, Fist of Sol] 3 couriers [Nyan cat, Chiken, Panda, Robot, Dragon] 20 icons and symbols 860 Gold & 730 Silver Coins Clear stats. Price - 50$ --------- Third ---------- 110+ alt avatars 3 name colors [Aquamarine, Emerald Green, Silver] 5 announcers [Flamboyant, British Gentleman, Seductive, Badas$, Ms.Pudding] 6 taunts [Kongor, Baby, ACME, Dumpster, Dropping Gs, Fist of Sol] 4 couriers [Hamster, Penguin, Panda, Robot, Goblin] 30 icons and symbols 900 Gold & 680 Silver Coins Clear stats. Price - 100$ Skype: Librenium bump bump bump bumpk bump bump bump BUMP. Purchased latest alts. If you can sell 2nd account for 30 ill take Bump for u! Thanks! added you on skype. Mine is "Langejan123" thank you