Selling  High End AMAZING BATTLE.NET ACC: OW1/2 | CoDM MW22/MW19 | WoW SL | D3 RoS | HotS

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by medcon, 2/2/23.

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  1. medcon

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    OG BETA OW1 account contains numerous OWL skins, golden guns, rare comic book tracer skin, and unobtainable OWL 2018 skins/other event skins.

    -SF shock 2018 team skins | FL mayhem 2018 team skins | LA valiant 2018 team skins | total of 97 OWL/contender skins (excluding OWL white/gray skins) 2018 team skins are no longer available!

    Many other OWL teamskins for various dps heros

    55 legendary tank skins | 139 legendary dps skins | 42 legendary support skins.

    Special event skins:

    TANKS: 'nano', Doomfist 'general', Reinhardt 'budesadler', Roadhog 'clown', Sigma 'maestro', WBall 'paper cutting / 8ball', Zarya 'einherjar',

    DPS: Ashe 'deadlock/mardi gras', Bastion 'brick/overgrown', Cassidy 'sandstorm', Genji '2018 pacific all-stars/happi/skeleton', Junkrat 'inferno', Mei 'Zhongguo/bear', Pharah 'security chief', Reaper 'luchador/blackwatch reyes', S76 'strike commander morrison/ugly sweater76', Sombra 'fantasma/jester' Thorbjorn 'rustclad', Tracer 2018 atlantic all-stars/slipstream/comic book', Widowmaker 'ange de la mort/kerrigan/noire',

    SUPPORTS: Ana 'bastet', Baptiste 'combat medic', Brigitte 'stone/peppermint bark', Moira 'holly',

    Gold guns: widow, tracer, soldier, hanzo, ashe, genji.

    currencies: 29 OW coins / 1710 legacy credits / 1836 competetive credits / 201 OWL tokens.
    694 player icons includin Season1 (ow1) competitor for proof of OG account.
    Rank: average 3k diamond dps player.

    COD MW2022

    Vault edition | all Beta rewards unlocked | LA thieves CDL skin pack | full S1 battle pass | CDL Twitch drops.

    GOLD CAMO: pistol, launchers, knife/riot, AR (excluding chimera/m13b), Battle rifles, MM rifles, sniper rifles.

    PLAT CAMO: few plat camos.

    COD MW2019

    Atlanta faze skins, Florida mutineers skins, Dallas Empire skins. bunch of ghost operator skins.

    All snipers gold/plat camo, MM rifles gold/plat camo, kar98k obsidian.


    Realm: stormscale 3xlv45 (hunter,shaman,warrior) | Realm: Outland 1xlv50 paladin (has Shadowlands expansion not DF) 40 Heirlooms.

    WOD collectors edition(see pic of mount), Legion collector's edition (see pic of mount) / Unique Hereos of the Storm mount.

    Diablo 3

    Reaper of Souls expansion, Crusaders expansion, 819 paragon level

    Cosmetic wings: 6 wing skins

    Pets: 8 Pets ('butcher' from D2 event in D3 and 'dominion's revenge' from Starcraft 20th anniversary 2018)

    Portrait frames: Overwatch, Necromancer, Hereos of the storm, Season 3, paragon 800 frame.

    Pennants(banners): 7 Pennants including Warlord of draenor(WoW), Hereos of the storm, Diablo3 Season3.

    Hereos of the Storm

    Skins: 65 purple skins(including 20 mount skins), 14 orange skins(including 5 mount skins),

    Limited edition championship mount skins (2016,2017).

    If there is anything you would like to know or if you want to see something live let me know and i can screenshare on discord or twitch stream it to you even!

    discord: Medcon2#3478

    twitch: medcon_

    can negotiate price !
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