Selling AMAZING account 200 Sadida

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by zeriodgravity, 10/10/15.

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  1. zeriodgravity

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    Selling an amazing Dofus account because I played the game for 8 years and am burned out from it ( playing Wildstar now ). Summary ;

    -200 Sadida ( can be class changed ofcourse ). Sadida is fully scrolled max 100 in everything + Has every single special spell in the game ( perfidious boomerang, lightening strike, leek pie, etc . . . ) + is fully spell point scrolled ( ALL spells level 6 !!! ). PLUS has 5600 achievement points with cool ornaments unlocked !

    -200 jewelmagus / 127 Jeweller.

    -P2P untill december

    -Alts -> 181 Eni + 176 Feca ( intel and wisdom scrolled ).

    Payment via paypal ONLY !!! Do not contact me / waste my time if you do not have paypal or do not have enough money on it. I currently do not have an asking price so all offers are welcome IF they are reasonable.

    If interested contact me through skype : rancidrode and we can work something out.

    PS : here's how I trade ( I do not trade in any other way, so again, if you don't like the way I trade DO NOT contact me ).

    Step 1 ) I show you the account via screenshare ( live, more secure for you and less hassle for me ). I can also link and screenshare my account on another trading forum which has 100% positive trade feedback.

    Step 2 ) You pay via paypal - Friends and family option. ***I DO NOT GO FIRST !!! And I do NOT accept any other method other than friends and family***

    Step 3 ) You get the account and I walk you through on how to change the email to yours

    Step 4 ) After successfully trading I'll keep you added if you want incase anything goes wrong with the account. If something does go wrong I'll provide a screenshot of my ID so you can recover it yourself !

    Step 5 OPTIONAL ) You give me feedback and I give you feedback on the appropriate forums.

    And again : if interested contact me via skype : "rancidrode" and we can work out a fair price.

    Screenshots ;




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  2. OP

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    Bump selling for 60 euros !!! Add on skype
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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