Sold Altria Pendragon - Gilgamesh - Vlad III triple 5* Servant account

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DeMaow, 7/9/17.

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  1. DeMaow

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    I recently rolled into a Waver + Gilgamesh account with a few of my favorite 4* servants so I am no longer playing on this one and would hate to just toss this amazing account.

    This was originally the account I began playing on, so there is some story completion and a few servants have been leveled and ascended.

    The only Mana Prism Items exchanged have been two Summon Tickets, two are still available for exchange. There is one rare prism from selling a duplicate.

    The 4* Servant Ticket is still unused.

    The date of birth is not set.

    5* Servants are as follows

    Altria Pendragon - 5* Saber card
    Gilgamesh - 5* Archer card
    Vlad III - 5* Berserker card

    4* Servants are as follows

    Tamamo Cat - 4* Berserker
    Stheno - 4* Assassin
    Atalante - 4* Archer
    Altria Pendragon (Lily) - 4* Saber

    5* Craft Essence are as follows

    1x Limited/Zero Over - Increase your Buster Card Effectiveness by 25%

    4* Craft Essence are as follows

    1x Gem Magecraft: Antumbra
    1x Seal Designation Enforcer
    1x Divine Banquet
    3x Verdant Sound of Destruction
    1x Beginning of the Journey

    More information can be disclosed on 3* and lower Servants and Craft essence upon request, but they are pretty common cards.

    Unsure of the value of this or the current going rate based on star rarity or popularity so please post or PM me offers.

    Prefer paypal.

    I will reply as soon as possible.

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