Selling also have a goth on east1 Level 14 65,180,452 XP...

Discussion in 'Dark Orbit Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Zach Gordon, 9/30/13.

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  1. Zach Gordon

    Zach Gordon
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    also have a goth on east1 Level 14 65,180,452 XP 422,000 honor 34mil cre 600uri 10,000 jackpot usd 13pp 1 alpha gate done have 1 gamma open 8/40 3 lives beta 44/48 parts skylab all lvl 20 beside sep on 18 working on it 3iris pet lvl 5 3lasers 6sheilds 3 gears 4 protocols 1 lf4 21 lf3 26 Bo2 goth 271k hp 560k sheild with bastion and turtle drone formation i have bunch of stuff nothiing great any more questions pm
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