ALPHA # Hello Pvpers, I am glad that after over half a year of testing this # I am happy to open it to a too-small amount of people (It won't be raised I will be only giving access to 5 players to use the # to keep it undetected) The # has been used by 2 players for nearly 6 months until now with everything running smoothly and no bans, It was also used in boosting services. Features Aimbot : Enable/Disable FOV Circle KEY toggling Bone key toggling FOV control Smooth Control VISUALS Enable/Disable Player Box Player Corner Player Distance Player Heal Dormant Check Player Skeleton Player Snapline Radar for enemies You won't have to toggle a color for Aimbot it detects the players alone. Guarante : In case of any Vanguard mass ban to our #, you will be fully refunded the amount you paid and will receive a replacement account. Used Slots (0/5) SLOTS WON'T BE RAISED IN THE FUTURE. PRICES: SLOT Hold: 50$ Monthly: 130$ Yearly : 500$ Payment Methods : LiteCoin Ethereum Bitcoin PayPal/Debit Cards (You will be redirected to buy a gift card using it) Contact : Discord : alphatester Please when contacting me on Discord make sure that it's me by a message on before payments