Sold Alot of den items some beta and some really older ones not beta but were almost beta

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cassie Brown, 1/20/18.

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  1. Cassie Brown

    Cassie Brown
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    I have these items for a 1.00 each... If you take more than 10 items i will give a #. Just e-mail me with what u want and how many [email protected] Hope to hear from you soon.
    2 Blue Phantom Rugs,2 rocking horse, 1 cami frog,6 open signs,6 sandbox,5 sewing machine,1 flytrap,6 computer,2 tiny tree,2 zio sculputure,2 zio fountain,7fox tail chair,8 blue star couch,4 blue star rug3 plaid couch,3 pink heart couch,1 lobster claw,1 rare claw,4 rare stone chair,8 traffic cone,3 golden waffle,2 tough golden phantoms,2 small golden phantoms,6 angry golden phantoms,2 bulky golden phantoms,7 rectangular orange coffee tables,2 small table, 6 various kinds of fruit baskets,2 basket balls,8 soccer goals,4 soccer balls,3 rare table with orb,1 rare skinny lamp,6 basket with candy,3 globe,6 tall cactus,3 potted plants,2 art easel,3 upside down windows,2 upside down teapots,2 upside down chandelier,3 upside down tables,
    1 upside down plant,4 blue teapot set, 3 blue teacups,1 friendship teaset,3 skinny paw print vas, 1 large pawprint vas, 5 blue paw print rugs,1 snow machine, 3 snow cannons,1 snow fort catapult,3 lantern,5 picnic basket,3 planter,2 large planter,6 orange gecko,2 fox giant plushie,2 koala giant plushie, 2 tiger giant plushie,2 black giant wolf plushie,1 giant horse plushie,1 giant bunny plushie,1 giant seal plushie,2 giant monkey plushie, 1 giant elephant plushie,1 rc car,
    2 sweets wall paper,1 red brick walls,4 red painted pot, 1 rare claw machine,3 mine shaft door, 5 grass with worms, 1 space ship gray.
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