Maxed account missing 5 99s to be fully maxed. Total level: 2531 The account got: - Dual rapiers - Dual chaotic crossbows - Arcane stream neck - Farsight Sniper necklace - Brawler`s Knockout necklace - Full slayer helm - Bunch of auras - Tokhaar-Kal-Ket - Fighter torso - Fighter helm - Chaotic staff - 168,500 loyalty points - 1.1m dungeoneering tokens - 175 overload flasks, aswell love you plenty of extreme flasks. - Full void - Inferno Adze - 315 quest points The stats the account is missing for max cape are: - 86/99 Mining (86k bonus xp) - 95/99 Farming (108k bonus xp) - 80/99 divination (14k bonus xp) - 93/99 slayer (432k bonus xp) - 92/99 fishing (87k bonus xp) - 07 stats Looking for $400 - Money Bookers / WU