ALMOST AT ADVANCED T4 troops ALSO includes a L17 farm - all banks - great to store RSS when burning bases Inside the wire all buildings 21 outside all but 7 are 21 2.01M troops - 1M T4 500k T3 rest T2 T1 Can make net 1.2M food per hour, 400k coin per hour - when optimized Very self sustaining base 1000s of MODs, 10000s materials, 10000+ core materials Gift level #59 Power - Research 143M, Building 8M Missions 11M Commander 5.3M Troops 54M Traps 0.5M Full wall of advanced traps - 125k Traps, Advanced traps, econ, and combat research all done. Commander has 6 more left all L10s Manufacturing is done through core level #5 Advance combat very close to advanced T4 750 daily, VIP, alliance chances Kick love you rebel gear - can kill a L4 rebel in two hits