Selling  High End ALMOST ALL CARDS + 4.8K SCRAPS + 10K DUST

Discussion in 'Gwent Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jojoko1, 5/20/21.

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  1. jojoko1

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    If you are looking for an account that can instantly bring you into pro level search no more.

    This account has almost all cards (1222/1311)! It also has over 4.8k Scraps. I left those scraps on there so you can craft some of the remaining meta cards. While the account only has a small number of premium cards it has 10200 dust, which is even better as you can decide yourself which decks you want to turn into full premium versions.

    Account is sold with email address. Middlemen (if wanted) cost is paid by the buyer.

    DM me if interested. Screenshots are available.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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