Selling Allods Online acc, runes 12/11

Discussion in 'Allods Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Irvain, 7/2/15.

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  1. Irvain

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    Level 60 on european Server "New Frontier" - (not will write class, for protect myself)

    League side

    OFF RUNES: 12 / 12 / 12
    DEFF RUNES: 11 / 11 / 11

    Patronage Level: 5 permanent

    Bank: 600k golds + alot of CS stuff for sell on league and imp side (cca for 1.5M +)
    It's a full CS account and here is info for it.

    Greatness, Personal-Allod
    Reincarnations: 9
    Epic permanent Dragon-Tear
    Almost Stable Speck of True Light
    Leggy Bag with 60 Slots / Tab (not see reason why making fable)
    Trinket: Emblem of the Brutal Wizard (fabled)
    Vials: Vial of Death and Vial of Life (full)
    Permanent Astral Goblin (Servant)
    Mage Pages: First, second and third Mage Pages. (full)
    Sacrament Scrolls: First, second and third Sacrament Scroll (full)
    Stats: Paragraph, Page, Chapter and Study of Perfection (full)
    Conclave: First, second, third conclave-scrolls and Edict of Conclave (full)
    Carnifex: First, second, third carnifex scroll and Carnifex Code = Fatality animation (full)

    Looter: Magpie Helper, Aviator Helper, Fairy Helper + ability to collect herbs and ores
    Second Ear Slot: Fabled / legendary
    Martyr's Skills: All the Patronage (Martyr's) Skills are level 3 (all 4) (full)
    All racial abilities (full)
    All Commander-Scrolls (full)
    Three jobs (blacksmithing 60, weaponsmithing 65, alchemy 65)

    Mounts: On screenshots.. too many names

    More than 500 costumes.

    For last 7months was need top up any crystals.. i collect alot of costumes before which i just selling on both side..i never farmed golds and never will do that.. always have all golds just from selling stuff..about which i have really alot on both side and which i also buying in AH for lower prize and selling after higher.
    For last 2-3months i made like that around 3M golds. Missing just last item which comes to game and thats items for changing class..i find them too much expensive and not that important for have them. Better hold golds for stuff which is important for me and for boost character.
    Atm i have full epic 66gear and starting making leggy gear. (epic have also glyphs ofc)

    Here is link on gallery with SS from game.. for see that items which i wrote was true.

    You can contact me via email : [email protected] or on skype de-zone
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