3 Nintendo switch accounts Big sale buy all 3! For $180 if you add up all the games prices there worth more then what your paying for or buy them separately- Contact me on reddit my username is DarkLordRisen22 3 Nintendo switch accounts Big sale buy all 3! For $180 if you add up all the games prices there worth more then what your paying for or buy them separately. Account number 1 Have legend of Zelda skyward sword,Fire emblem Three houses,Ace attorney both collections, story of seasons friends of mineral town,Hungry Shark,thief simulator,Celeste,Crypt Of necro dancer panzer dragon remake Scott pilgrim vs the world And more Account number 2 The walking dead tell tale series season 1 complete Resident evil 4 Doom 64 Doom3 defend your castle Account number 3 CupHead Spyro Reignited Trilogy Hades Contra rogue corps Alien isolation And more Games