Selling all sovereign set but havent back 2/5 heal WF 2/5...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    all sovereign set but havent back 2/5 heal WF 2/5 damage WF 1/5 heal DF 1/5 damage Df 98 rr charm 1 colossus page + 3 sacred mask+ 4 golden cartoushe and etc. 100 gold PM with questions and offers." "rr100 SM ""Hello everyone" I would like to sell a nice tank.. rr100 SM on EU server 2/5 DF (chest and helm) - lots of crests to buy the rest 8/8 Sov offensive 8/8 Sov defensive Titans Exalted masterblade - rr98 - best DPS weapon Exalted shield rr98 - very nice for tank specc. 1k gold Conqueror SC progression. Going to sell for cheap! (~180$)" "WTS RR 82 Chosen / RR 80 Sorc (US) ""Title says it all. " Taking offers. Chosen is 8/8 Off Sov Sorc I cant remember but its atleast 4/8 Sov (minimum "WTT rr68-rr69.8 for rr70-90 kotbs/chosen ""Blorc rr68 " Almost full dps worn sover RR 55 weap+ lotd weap with bugged tali strg+ WS IB rr69.8 One piece missing def spec but have got all dps worn sover in bank RR65 1h and shield RR65 2handed for dps also Talks all plus20 atleast Few of the alts Slayer r31 rr 59 Huge burst damage + quite tough Full conq WP r39 rr61 Full invade has dps and heal specc OP in t3. Shammy r23 rr 42 Nice heal crates can reach 2k full devas. On order just under 500g On destro roughly 1.3k gold About 27-28 days on sub to date Another 30day card in wings as a little present. All I want rlly is one main character on account preferably chosen but kotbs will do that's rr80-90 willing to trade 90 and I'll add in another present. i'm willing to trade for high 70s also." "Wts/t rr100 kotbs ""Hello I am sellling the nice veteran account on EU server" Main toon male rr100 KOTBS 5/5 WF offensive 5/5 WF defensive 5/5 DF defensive 4/5 DF offensive 8/8 Sov 4/5 Glyphs All necessary rr98 and rr99 belts (incl. some rare ones with STR/Wounds/WS for DPSing) Alot of nice stuff from PVE. RR100 SC Shield and farming towards 1hander. RR98 Titans Exalted Claymore - currently best DPS 2hander ingame for DPSing KOTBS. Account is stacked with best pots and talises....
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