Sold all Sold out

Discussion in 'Wolcen Lords of Mayhem Gold - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alexeii, 2/25/20.

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  1. Alexeii

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    My Location:
    Selling some Unique Items from Wolcen: Lords of Maintenance Mayhem

    All items LVLs are 181+ and screenshot will be provided before transaction
    All items are unique and not legendary, although legendary options are available

    The Trial - 100 USD - 4 PCS left
    Veiled Eclipse - 25 USD - 5 PCS left
    Genesis - 25 USD - 2 PCS left
    Omaley's Lucky Belt - 25 USD ( 47%+ ) - 7 PCS left
    Shadowcall Ring - 25USD - 2 PCS left

    Other uniques - 1-5 USD
    T12 Gems, Genesis Stones - 1 USD ea

    PM me at discord Major Glory#6483 for more info
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