Selling  Android and iOS  Average (All Range) Knights Chronicle Accounts

Discussion in 'Knights Chronicle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ninomax0x, 7/7/18.

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  1. ninomax0x

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    Greetings, I'm a gamer/seller living in Japan. I have a lot of Knights Chronicle accounts for sell at a reasonable price. You can choose your price range and I will give you recommendations based on what your need.

    * Payment method: PayPal
    * Discord: StrangeDozenTits#7406

    ***Available Account(s)***

    + Ruby x1 (4 left)
    + Cain x1 + Deimos x1 + Rue x2 (0 left)
    + Cain x1 (1 left)
    + Electra x1 (1 left)
    + Esna x1 (1 left)
    + Lifa x1 + Deimos x1 (1 left) (Tbh, Lifa is a top tier unit as well, she can be both tanker, dps and support at the same time, so I definitely recommend building her)
    + Electra x1 + Serdick x1 + Nemesis x1 + Morrigan x1 + Rue x1 (1 left)

    *** Code: #EWHWT9SH ***

    * Rank 161; Bought monthly pack.

    * List of SSR:
    + Ruby x1
    + Karen x1
    + Cain x1
    + Esna x1
    + May x1
    + Cheshire x1
    + Electra x2
    + Damian x1

    *** Code: #EWHWT9SH ***

    * Fresh Account; Checked in 7 days.

    * List of SSR:
    + Esna x1
    + Cain x1
    + Nemesis x1
    + Lifa x1

    *** Code: #B52MSJHA ***

    * Rank 120; Linked to Facebook.; Only 2 weeks into the game.

    * List of SSR:
    + Cain x2
    + Esna x2
    + Electra x2
    + Damian x3
    + Karen x1
    + Morrigan x1
    + Marduk x2
    + Serdick x1
    + Meril x1

    *** Code: #92U5U7HW ***

    * Rank 160; 2000+ crystals; Most SSR had full talent skills.

    * List of SSR:
    + Cain x1
    + Deimos x1
    + Ruby x1
    + Ramu x1
    + Morrigan x1
    + Meril x1
    + May x1
    + Abel x1
    + Cheshire x1
    + Mina x1

    *Bonus: SSR Rebecca 6* x1

    *** Final price is # ***

    *** Support the game by buying packs and try your luck, or support me and get exactly what you see on the screen! Thank you for reading! ***

    #1 ninomax0x, 7/8/18
    Last edited: 7/7/18
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