Selling All of these are r40 of course. rr54ish DoK. No...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/25/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    All of these are r40 of course. rr54ish DoK. No Glyphs rr50ish SH. No glyphs rr45ish Shammy. Same as above. rr30ish Marauder." "EU Karak-Azgal, BW 80RR ""Bright Wizard 80RR " server: Karak-Azgal GEAR: FULL Tyrant with 24 talis FULL Invader with 23 talis FULL Warlord with 23 talis FULL offensive SOV with 24 talis 3-4 adiditonal SOV for def set 4/5 LOTD glyphs set LOTD cloak - immune to crits for 10sec cloak+ring MP combo lotd item Lots of unique stuff from PVE CITY invade jevelerys POCKETS: melee absorb bypass defense dodge bypass defense dodge speed pocket 2x RR bonus pockets infinite firework WEAPONS: 75RR scenario weapon with 24 talis AKira Greater staff of Sandstorm CITY invade weapons TALIS: about 100 diffrent int INSIGNIAS: about 500 royals PROFESIONS: ALL unlocked and maxed on main and alts GOLD: more than 1000 UNLOCKS: undead unlock I can unlock acount for 30 days when i hit home to list EVRYTHING if needed." "WTS rr93+ DoK Norn ""Hi everyone" Main Character DoK rr93(+73%) Cultivation 200/Apothecary 200 Armor: Offensive + Defensive Full Sovereign Set Offensive + Defensive Doomflayer Set 4/5(missing chest) Deffensive Warpforged 4/5(missing chest) + 3 extra parts for offensive WF. Weapons: Offensive + Defensive Doomflayer weapons(either dps spec or defensive healing spec) *Chalice: Royal(old version)+ Doomflayer chalice+ Warpforged chalice *Extra weapons for dps spec rr80+ with weaponskill/strength *weapons with snare procc from the epic quest line(useful when fighting vs kiters it stacks with other snare procs) *rr 92 cloak with strength/weaponskill/melee crit 2% *rr 98 belt strength/melee power/talsman slot *Cloak of the Warden 4% healing crit *Odjira on dps sov and healing Doomflayer boots Pocket items: melee absorb Secondary characters 1) Sorceress r40 rr67 Butcher 200 GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
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