Sold ALL DEVICES ACCOUNT 28M -- VIP 10 -- KINGDOMS 1757 -- 7 # -- 150

Discussion in 'Rise of Civilizations Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Unicorn1508, 10/5/20.

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  1. Unicorn1508

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    -VIP 10
    - KINGDOMS 1757
    - 7 #
    - Aetheflea 5552
    - Khan 5121
    - Cao Cao 3552
    - Charles Martel 5211

    ✔ Usual Questions

    1: How Can I buy?

    I accept all payment contact me before you make purchase , we can negotiate the price and the method of payment

    - if using playerup , complete the payment process via PayPal,Skill or Crypt Currencies ( Don't use Credit and Debit Cards) . Player Up will create a 3 way conversation and we will deliver your account when it created. Then contact us in our contact. We will guide you the rest.

    - if using another payment , please contact in our comunication platform.

    2: Is your account secure?

    - We guarantee the security of your account when you buy them, and we deliver all the information to you when you make a purchase and help you change all information until completion.

    3: I cant find the account I'm looking for in your profile. what should I do?

    - Contact us on LINE or WHATSAPP and mention the price you wish to spend on an account. We will find the suitable one for you.

    4: How long does the delivery process take?

    - Depend on the the payment methode , if playerup middleman usually 1-96 hours
    Thank you

    ✔ Contact :

    Line Chat ID : unicorn150815

    Whatsapp : +1 (571) - 286 - 1401

    Discord : unicorn1508#2549

    ✔ Photos of account details

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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