Selling   AJ account/blue long/den betas/other rares

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Demonic Demon, 2/12/18.

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  1. Demonic Demon

    Demonic Demon
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    I never knew this section had an AJ section where I can sell my AJ items.
    I've played AJ when I was a young kid around 11-13 years old but i'm 17 now and I grew out of it.
    If you're interested please PM and I'll try to sell them at a low price.
    Here's a couple of things I have
    (same list but with a red straw hat)
    My AJ account isn't a member but has a lot of member animals from the diamond shop and a ton of diamonds that I can't use because well... I'm not a member
    If you're interested in the account PM me and I can sell it to you with the rares on it or if you're just interested in buying rare items individually that's cool too.
    Just wanted to update some of the items I'm selling.
    I have a couple of non-member items like non-member spikes, bows and arrows(rare and non rare/I have both kinds), worns, pirate swords, and rare gloves.
    I also have diamond shop spike collars.. ya I have a lot of those.
    Mech Angel Helmet, Spring Party Hat, Top Hats, Beards, Rare Nature Archway, more Planet Walls, Rare Claw Machine x2, Rain Cloud x2, Lightning Cloud, Heart Cloud, Clover Cloud, Lion Claw, Owl Claw, Wolf Claw, Rhino Claw, Giant Chocolate Peck, Globe, Rocking Horse, Basket of Candy, Masterpiece Coins, and Pot O' Gems. You're all going to need to help me. I played this game such a long time ago idk if rarity changed.
    #1 Demonic Demon, 2/12/18
    Last edited: 2/12/18
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