WTS Perento Elyos Account 8x 65 characters, 3 characters ap amd 1,100 hours left on gold packs Ranger full ap gear with 4x 4 star accessories with 3 of them+ 3 and + 15 bow ap fuse gold silence. Bard 3 x ap gear Crafted Catalium instrument + 12 strife combined + 6 mb feather. Cleric ap 2 star mr set with sunazaka hairpin + 15 mr shield, strife block set with dynatium mace, 5 part kata set with staff mb. Templar with 5 part kata set only missing shoes, swb sword and shield. Sorcerer with 2 parts ap 3 parts kata with rune tribe orb + 5. Gladiator with basic strife and 55 c2 fear with rune tribe polearm + 5 Gunner with full 2star ap gear with strife pistol + 10 and kata pisto + 15 and swb cannon + 12 with strife combine Aethertech with mixed parts of gear with strife, and 4 slot jormngand's with + 5 rune tribe key. Asking for offers close to 1k GBP