AION EU - NEXUS SERVER SORCERER LVL60 + GLAD TWINK FULL GEARED asmodian account sorcerer: tome e60 +10 with tf tome+3k gs pve gear: full siel's 60 all mb 27/25, jewel/belt full kharun, 2 debilkarim earrings pvp gear: full genium and gloves commander+8 full ma +14, 2 ring abg, 1 earrings 60. total ap: 1.221.505, 108 mithril medal sharpscooter pitus (tf) Gladiator: lannok spear +15 with e30. pvp gear full e30 +10 and full accessory e30. ap 238k price: 80- 100 EURO Paypal or Bank Transfer (for this pm on fb)