Aion Account for Sale Kahrun - Asmodians LVL65 GEARED SIN(Asmo, Kahrun Server) --NC account: 3711 Ncoin LVL65 Kahrun server, Asmo. Assessin. --PVP Gear Weaponefull com. manastones socleted) Archon Commander's Poniard +15 Archon Commander's Brand +15 Both gold paralyzes Kahrun's Longbow(Combined with Noble Coliseum Champion's Flatbow)+1 Blue blinds godstone Armor: (full com. manastones socleted) ArchonCommander's Divine Jerkin +12 ArchonCommander's DivineBreeches +12 ArchonCommander's DivineBoots +12 ArchonCommander's DivineVambrace +10 ArchonCommander's DivineShoulderguards +10 Tiamat Guard's Full set(PVE) Acc: Sunayaka's Hairpin/Genium Hat Dicordant Combat Necklace Dicordant Combat Earrings Archon commander's Corundum Earrings Dicordant Combat rings x2 Dicordant CombatBelt Kahrun acc. full set(PVE) Dramata's Wing 651 attack ( including Food-attack+12,MA+60 ) 2769 Accuracy 1017 crit strike ( including Scroll+120 and Clear Focus1+100) 1507 Magic acc ( including Food-attack+12,MA+60 ) 1837 Magic Resist 1333 Magic Suppression --AP & Medal ap 3,375 043 Relic 209,400 Total 3,587,443 Ceramium Medal X72 --Inventory Blood Mark x93 (Attack +5/Magical Accuracy +7)x9 (Attack +5/Magical Accuracy +6)x5 (Attack +5/Crit Strike +8)x3 (Attack +5/Crit Strike +7)x2 Felicitous Socketing (Eternal)x7 140m Kinah --Gather/Craft Master Handicrafting 501/549 Artisan Alchemy 499/499 Expert Aethertapping 499/499 --Housing: Mansion (Expiration Date of Holding 2013-07-21) Clean 1-Drawer Cabinet (non-exp) Simple 3-Drawer Cabinet (non-exp) --Pet: 6-slot 12-slot 18-slot/loot 24-slot it's really great at pvp and pve as well. Price: $500
Hy ! I Sell my account Aion Account for Sale Aion FrToPly Anuhart Server WTS=LV65 Templar, Gladiator LV.61 Assassin Lv.65 Ranger Lv.63 Spiritmaster Lv.57 Chanter Lv.47 Bard Lv 18 Aethertech Templar Gear: Lv 65! Officer 3 -------------- Weapon: +5 GreatSword of Rune Tribe(Ancient Coin)+BM Greatsword Godstone:Gold Paralyse Accesory:Full Battle Medalion Accessory Set Gear : -Breastplate=BattleMedalion Breastplate +7 -Plate Graves= 65 officer Graves +3 -Plate Sabatos= BattleMedalion Sabatos +7 -Plate Spaulders= Battle Medalion Spaulders +7 -Plate Gauntlets=BattleMedalion Gauntlets +7 Wingramata Bone Wing Ap:Officer-3 Templar have: 3 141 569 AP ALL APP FOR RELIC: 27 300 83 000 000 Kinah In Warhouse Gladiator Lv 65! Officer 3 ---------------- Weapon: +5 Polearm of rune tribe (ancientcoin)+ BM polearm Dramata wings Bone WIngs 65 abyss graves +4 55 arena 2 cond Sett +2-3 Battlemedalion accesory FULL! Total AP: 462 518 Kinah 15 655 545 Ranger: Lv 65! -------------- 3 Stanley arena 55 2 cond ittem +3 2 Battlemedalion ittem +3-+4 Weapon: Longbow of the rune Tribe +5 + BM Bow Godstone Blue Silence Manastone : Full composite manastone crit 15 parry +crit 20 Wing: Storm wing Accessory : 4 Battlemedalion Accesory and 1 Lv 50 Ap earrings Kinah: 1 607 791 AND HAVE SMALL CHARACTERS: Chanter ( 57) 55 arena gear 2 cond weapon have para godstone Assasin (61) 55 arena 2 cond Bard 47) SM:63 How much is it worth?Only Euro or HUF [email protected]! Bye!
Hy ! I Sell my account Aion Account for Sale Aion FrToPly Anuhart Server WTS=LV65 Templar, Gladiator LV.61 Assassin Lv.65 Ranger Lv.64 Spiritmaster Lv.57 Chanter Lv.64 Bard Lv62:Sorcerer Templar Gear: Lv 65! Officer 3 -------------- Weapon: +5 GreatSword of Rune Tribe(Ancient Coin)+BM Greatsword Godstone:Gold Paralyse Accesory:Full Battle Medalion Accessory Set Gear : -Breastplate=BattleMedalion Breastplate +7 -Plate Graves= 65 officer Graves +3 -Plate Sabatos= BattleMedalion Sabatos +7 -Plate Spaulders= Battle Medalion Spaulders +7 -Plate Gauntlets=BattleMedalion Gauntlets +7 Wingramata Bone Wing Ap:Officer-3 Templar have: 3 141 569 AP ALL APP FOR RELIC: 27 300 83 000 000 Kinah In Warhouse Gladiator Lv 65! Officer 3 ---------------- Weapon: +5 Polearm of rune tribe (ancientcoin)+ BM polearm (AND Have +1 Abyss Polearm Lv65 Katalamize Wing Gear have.Lv65 Officer 2 APYSS GEAR HAVE ALL ITTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ranger: Lv 65! -------------- 3 Stanley arena 55 2 cond ittem +3 2 Battlemedalion ittem +3-+4 Weapon: Longbow of the rune Tribe +5 + BM Bow Godstone Blue Silence Manastone : Full composite manastone crit 15 parry +crit 20 Wing: Storm wing Accessory : 4 Battlemedalion Accesory and 1 Lv 50 Ap earrings Kinah: 1 607 791 AND HAVE SMALL CHARACTERS: Chanter ( 57) 55 arena gear 2 cond weapon have para godstone Assasin (61) 55 arena 2 cond Bard 47) SM:63 How much is it worth?Only Euro or HUF [email protected]! Bye!
Selling account with 6 chars! lvl 65 assa, 62 ranger, 58 gladi, 54 templar, 44 barde, 18 gunner i was playing glad as my main, he has now 500p on Weaponsmithing lvl 50 daeva-set, 100kk kinah and alot more stuff, if someone has interest, just pm me, thanks! would be nice to trade for "Albion- Key", its a new game.
For Sale my account Gunner 1 star gear pvp full 5/5 rank 1 and pve IS 6/6 from Server Siel with Spirt Master 2 star has pvp gear 2 star and pve with Cleric pve set Spirt Master and Cleric from KR Server . Mail me for more info my nub add whatsapp 35609073