Selling Ahrimal, General of Black Dragon Society, ID#...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jason Villaverde, 3/1/13.

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  1. Jason Villaverde

    Jason Villaverde
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    Ahrimal, General of Black Dragon Society, ID# 2263237034 Trying to sell a few monsters to scare up some BP for Spectrum Helix Event currently underway. The cards/monsters below are what I have to sell/trade. BP is what I am seeking. EP will do. In the name of trading I am seeking: BWoD (reg or +), Immoral Witch Hilda (reg or +) or the new Cyphur Brute Dahila (reg or +). Prices are # but I expect a fair offer if interested. All monsters are lvl one skill one unless otherwise stated. Brain Sip reg. Giant Hell Chameleon+ Mirror of Shadows+ Current Demon reg. Tide Demon reg. Hellfield Asura+ Fire Core reg Flaming Death Wheels+ Twinblade Spirit Doll+ lvl 6 (3) Paimon reg Ring Dragon reg Furnace Dragon reg Aya Dragon reg Serpent Demon reg Nidhogg+ Skeleton Minotaur reg I also have stacks: DEA x2 Venomous Breath Pstrike Slumbering Breath x2 Within my formation I also have a few monsters possibly of interest. A good portion of these are lvl max with skills between 3-6. I won't part with them easily but are open to offers. Haddu+m (3) Sear Djinn+m (5) Astaroth the Accuser+m (6) Child of Pit lvl mid 40's, (5) Kali of Massacre+m (5) (If you send me an ally request to trade and see Lust Trap Necromancer as my leader she is a +m (5) but is NOT available under any circumstances whatsoever. I don't care what you offer. The answer is no.) Hit me up if anything here interests you.
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  2. OP
    Eddie W. Santos

    Eddie W. Santos
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    how much for chameleon
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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