Sold Age of Wushu Wudang Acc

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/6/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hi guys

    I am currently trying to take a break from playing games and trying to focus more on my other work, so i dont want to just let me accunt sitting there for no reason, so am i trying to sell it.

    Current info of account

    *Wudang female character*

    1st inner: level 36 (max at lvl 36)

    2nd inner: level 36 (max at lvl 36)

    3rd inner: lvl 28 (max at lvl 36)

    *Skills set*

    Breeze sword: all skills at lvl 5

    Taichi swords: ll skills at lvl 5

    yin Yang swords: all skills at lvl 5

    *Extra skills set*

    Beggar skills: I have all 3 beggar skill set (lvls are from 1-4)

    Emei skills: i have Golden light aura, skills can reach to lvl 4, but sill at 1, so you can cultivate that, and many other skills from emei

    Tangman skills: i have Following madness at lvl 3, also can go up to 4, and 1 set is complete

    shaolin skills: 2 sets is complete (no long-boxing) skills lvl are varies

    Wanderer Valley skills: have 1 skill that is learn (price for skill is 3Dings)

    Scholar skills: some random skills

    Royal gaurds skills: I have no idea if i learned any or not.

    *And many other Jianghu skills that are highly valuable*


    Legendary chef

    legendary fisherman

    Legendary Hunter

    many other profession that almost reach lengedary


    Currently have 6Dings (6 millions)

    Alot of good skills that can sell for at least 30Dings


    the gears are not good whatsoever, but the weapons are still very valuable in game.

    *Flying skills*

    Learned: Whirldwing steps, jump across the clod, Wild Goose, Walk on water, Step on high ladder

    If you have any questions or comments, either private messages me or post a comment below

    - - - Updated - - -

    The price i want is at $150. Thanks guys

    - - - Updated - - -

    Server is Blue Dragon btw

    I Pmed ya.

    PMed you! contact me asap. willing to buy NOW if still avialable!!!
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  2. HunteR1990

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    Account still available ? Please email me on [email protected]
    Wanting to ask more question about the acc
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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