School: Royal Guard Server: Golden Kirin Has Full Class-5 Gold gear with either double or triple brawn or stam on it 4th inner can go up to Shock the World level(1 level away) Has chef Gold Weapons: C5 Gold Chef Flute- Full weap dmg C5 Gold Chef Blade - Full weap dmg C5 Gold Blacksmith sword with 30% on mozi charge( + 10 on the same charge so 40% dmg on "Blood ink Racing" mozi charge") C4 Jade Blacksmith blade with 20% yanyang blade rage( +10 on rage so 30% dmg on yanyang blade rage"Sunshine in the Sky") C5 Gold Chef Claw- Full weapon dmg Meridians: Emei-72 Royal Guard-144 Shaolin-72 Wudang-72 Tangmen-72 Wanderers Valley-36(Can open 72) Both jianghu meridians: 45 Cash shop sets: lvl 6 or higher ($180 in value) Mozi sword( With lvl 8 rage) Iron Head Skill Dragon-Subduing Slaps Yanyang(Sun Flaming) Blade(Lvl 8 rage) 8 trigrams staff set Hu Family Blade Notable Skillsets: Soul Chasing Claw- lvl 9 spin( Will do massive damage to anyone) Full Bloody Killing Skill- Lvl 4 rage Heartless 7 skills(C7) - Full set lvl 2-5(Charge and rage lvl 5) Flying Horse Circle the moon thrice Far and Removed lvl 4 Wildshot(III) Lores ( over $200 value) Clothes: New lore: Demon Wind Yarn Flowing Clouds Lore Golden Snake Lore Black and White Lore Demon-Wing Yarn Lore Liesure Jade Lore Weapons: Sword: Qin Lore Sword: Umbrella lore Single-Blade: Enemy Killing Sheath I have the Jiangnan Monkey Pet Rootless Clan RE ( I'm not castrated) over 11k hp
Im interested in your account give me a yell at [email protected] or in here. I was wondering iif anyones oon that server ? havent heard much about it.
UPDATE: New Lore: Autumn Fish Scabbard ($60 Value) imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer
Yea if you don't mind you can send me some screen shots. [email protected] and was wondering if youd take 150 i will be selling my account for 150 so was wondering