Female Wudang Incomparable Wudang inner 1st 30/36 2nd 20/21 3rd 20/20. Head, Chest, Boots, Earrings 2x and 1 Ring Gold Class 4 rest of them are silver Yin The account have also ancient tai chi rage lvl 3/3 + Ten Palms Subduig the Dragon lvl 3/3 + Eight Drunk Immortals 1/3 + Touch of Colours 6/6 + Seeking Defeat Staff 2 skills 6/6 rest of them 3/3. 4 Meridians are 108 and one 144 rest of them are 9 1 lore with umbrela + tailor lvl 8, Icy Suit outfit and the black and white one with 2 faces, Cold Icy Qi inner 1/30, Basic Kung ** lvl 10 1 Jade powder, Christmas hat, twin sabre lore Lovebirds Butterlfy Scabbard Price 50euro livi25code my skype.
Update: The account also have all the betray pills. Account its still for sell, add my skype livi25code if you are interested to buy it.