Sold Afterglow Apoc/Amano + Nirvana/Excal/Aegis/Mandau/Ochain Hume 22 99s, Omen R/E

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fellina, 5/25/17.

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  1. Fellina

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    This is a re-sale of an account I bought on here in February. The original thread is here:

    Windurst Rank 10
    Reg Codes: NO
    Server Xfer is Available
    SE Q&A YES!

    Zilart: Complete!
    Promathia: Complete!
    ToAU: Complete!
    WoTG: Complete!
    C.Prophecy: Complete!
    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Complete!
    A Shantotto Ascension: Complete!
    Abyssea: Vision/Heroes/Scars Full Access
    Dynamis: All Access
    Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
    Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Complete!
    Mercenary Rank: Captain

    Value in misc. 500k+ in sellables

    Noteable Melee Rare/EX
    Apocalypse (119 Afterglow)
    Amanomurakumo (119 Afterglow)
    Excalibur (119)
    Mandau (119)
    Aegis (99)
    Ochain (90)
    Shijo (Dex +15, Dual Wield +5%, Triple Atk +2%)
    Kanari (Dmg +18, Mnd +7, Acc +16, Atk +15, PDT -1%)
    Habile Mazrak
    Deacon Saber
    Nibiry Sainti
    Sandung (Acc +50, Crit Hit Rate +5%, Triple Atk +3%)
    Jugo Kukri +1
    Montante +1
    Demersal Degen +1
    Combuster +1
    Pukulatmuj +1
    Ternion Dagger
    Brilliance (Dmg +14, Shield Skill +8, Divine Skill +13, Enmity +5)
    Ferocity (Dmg +15, Str +10, Vit +10, Double Atk +3%)
    Ochu (Dmg +9, Str +6, Dex +7, Ninjutsu Skill +5)
    Taming Sari (Dmg +14, Str +9, Dex +8)
    Condemners (Dmg +11, Dex +14, Acc +26, Atk +28)
    Vampirism (Dmg +10, Str +6, Int +5, Occult Acumen +6)
    Eosuchus Club
    Levante Dagger
    Tramontante Axe
    Medeina Kilij
    Atoyac (Occ atk twice, Crit Hit Rate +4%)
    Xiutleato (Occ atk twice, Store TP +5)
    Hunahpu (Occ atk twice, Crit Hit Rate +4%)
    Utu Grip
    Seething Bomblet +1
    Honed Tathlum
    Bloodrain Strap
    Nusku Shield
    Adapa Shield
    Holliday (Dmg +20, Dex +9, Rng Acc +7, Store TP +6)
    Vijaya Bow
    Cibitshavore (Str +12, Rng Acc +10, Store TP +7)
    Tsoabichi Crossbow
    Falcon Eye
    Amar Cluster
    Adhemar Bonnet (Dex +10, Agi +10, Acc +15)
    Adhemar Wristbands (Dex +10, Agi +10, Acc +15)
    Argosy Celata (Str +10, Dex +10, Atk +15)
    Argosy Mufflers (Str +10, Dex +10, Atk +15)
    Argosy Sollerets (Str +10, Dex +10, Atk +15)
    Carmine Mask
    Carmine Cuisses (Acc +20, Atk +12, Dual Wield +6%)
    Carmine Greaves +1 (Acc +12, Dex +12, Mnd +20)
    Emicho Gauntlets (Hp +50, Dex +10, Acc +15)
    Lustratio Harness
    Lustratio Subligar (Acc +15, Dex +5, Crit Hit Rate +2%)
    Lustratio Leggings (Hp +50, Str +10, Dex +10)
    Rao Kabuto (Str +10, Dex +10, Atk +15)
    Rao Kote (Str +10, Dex +10, Atk +15)
    Rao Sune-ate (Str +10, Dex +10, Atk +15)
    Ryou Somen (Str +10, Dex +10, Acc +15)
    Ryou Tekko (Dex +10, Acc +20, Double Atk +3%)
    Souveran Schaller (Hp +80, Vit +10, PDT -3%)
    Souveran Cuirass (Hp +80, Enmity +7, Potency of Cure Received +10%)
    Souveran Handschuhs (Hp +50, Shield Skill +10, PDT -3%)
    Souveran Diechlings (Hp +80, Enmity +7, Cure Potency Received +10%)
    Souveran Schuhs (Hp +80, Enmity +7, Potency of Cure Received +10%)
    Ayanmo Corazza +1
    Ayanmo Gambieras +1
    Flamma Zucchetto +1
    Flamma Korazin +1
    Flamma Manopolas +1
    Flamma Dirs +1
    Flamma Gambieras +1
    Hizamaru Somen +1
    Hizamaru Haramaki +1
    Hizamaru Gote +1
    Hizamaru Hizayoroi +1
    Hizamaru Sune-ate +1
    Meghanada Visor +1
    Meghanada Cuirie +1
    Meghanada Gloves +1
    Meghanada Chausses +1
    Meghanada Jambeaux +1
    Mummu Gamashes +1
    Sulevia's Mask +1
    Sulevia's Platemail +1
    Sulevia's Gauntlets +1
    Sulevia's Flanchard +1
    Sulevia's Leggings +1
    Tali'ah Turban +1
    Tali'ah Manteel +1
    Tali'ah Gages +1
    Tali'ah Seraweels +1
    Tali'ah Crackows +1
    Acro Helm (Pet: Double Atk +5%)
    Acro Gauntlets (Pet: Double Atk +3%)
    Acro Breeches (Pet: Crit Hit Rate +3%)
    Taeon Chapeau (Acc +20, Atk +20, Triple Atk +2%, Crit Hit Dmg +2%)
    Taeon Tabard (Acc +13, Triple Atk +2%, Crit Hit Dmg +3%)
    Taeon Gloves (Str +4, Dex +4, Acc +21, Dual Wield +5%)
    Taeon Tights (Acc +19, Atk +19, Triple Atk +2%, Crit Hit Dmg +3%)
    Taeon Boots (Dex +8, Acc +16, Atk +16, Triple Atk +2%)
    Yorium Barbuta
    Yorium Gauntlets
    Yorium Cuisses
    Yorium Sabatons
    Kasuga Domaru +1
    Kasuga Haidate +1
    Sakonji Kote
    Wakido Kabuto +1
    Heathen's Cuirass +1
    Fallen's Burgeonet
    Fallen's Cuirass
    Fallen's Finger Gauntlets +1
    Fallen's Flanchard
    Fallen's Sollerets
    Ignominy Bureonet +1
    Ignominy Sollerets +1
    Plunderer's Armlets +1
    Pillager's Bonnet +1
    Pillager's Vest +1
    Pillager's Armlets +1
    Bhikku Cyclas +1
    Caballarius Surcoat +1
    Caballarius Gauntlets +1
    Caballarius Breeches +1
    Caballarius Leggings +1
    Valorous Mask (Acc +26, Atk +25, Weapon Skill Dmg +4%)
    Valorous Mask (Str +8, Mnd +6, Acc +16, Atk +16, Quadruple Atk +2%)
    Valorous Mask (Acc +3, Atk +13, Magic Acc +27, Magic Atk Bonus +5, Weapon Skill Dmg +5%)
    Odyssean Helm (Vit +2, Acc +1, Atk +6, Magic Atk Bonus +24, Weapon Skill Dmg +4%)
    Herculean Helm (Dex +8, Acc +18, Atk +14, Weapon Skill Dmg +1%)
    Herculean Helm (Acc +2, Atk +2, Rng Acc +14, Rng Atk +14, Magic Acc +2, Magic Atk Bonus +2)
    Jumalik Helm (Mnd +10, Magic Atk Bonus +15, Refresh +1, Magic Burst Dmg +10%)
    Genmei Kabuto
    Lilitu Headpiece (Str +10, Dex +10, Atk +15, Weapon Skill Dmg +3%)
    Eschite Helm
    Gavialis Helm
    Despair Helm
    Sukeroku Hachimaki
    Blistering Sallet
    Terminal Helm
    Rabid Visor
    Lithelimb Cap
    Quiahuiz Helm
    Otomi Helm
    Nzingha Cuirass
    Samnuha Coat (Magic Acc +11, Dual Wield +3%)
    Founder's Breastplate (Acc +15, Atk +15, Magic Acc +15, Magic Atk Bonus +15)
    Jumalik Mail (Hp +35, Atk +7)
    Eschite Breastplate
    Lugra Cloak +1
    Vatic Byrnie
    Rawhide Vest (Hp +50, Acc +25, Eva +20)
    Emet Harness
    Valorous Mitts (Str +2, Acc +29, Atk +10, Weapon Skill Dmg +4%)
    Odyssean Gauntlets (Int +9, Mnd +9, Chr +9, Acc +19, Atk +19, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
    Odyssean Gauntlets (Acc +11, Atk +11, Weapon Skill Dmg +4%)
    Odyssean Gauntlets (Acc +18, Atk +13, Weapon Skill Dmg +4%)
    Herculean Gloves
    Floral Gauntlets (Acc +15, Rng Acc +15, Triple Atk +3%, MDT -4%)
    Leyline Gloves (Acc +15, Magic Acc +15, Magic Atk Bonus +15, Fast Cast +3%)
    Despair Finger Gauntlets
    Pursuer's Cuffs
    Kurys Gloves
    Macabre Gauntlets +1
    Gazu Bracelet +1
    Shigure Tekko
    Hegira Wristbands
    Umuthi Gloves
    Naga Tekko
    Valorous Hose (Str +8, Acc +10, Atk +10)
    Odyssean Cuisses (Magic Acc +12, Magic Atk Bonus +12, Store TP +3, Treasure Hunter +1)
    Odyssean Cuisses (Acc +23, Atk +29, Store TP +6)
    Odyssean Cuisses (Str +10, Acc +25, Weapon Skill Acc +20)
    Odyssean Cuisses (Str +7, Acc +28, Weapon Skill Acc +14)
    Odyssean Cuisses (Acc +23, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
    Odyssean Cuisses (Acc +36, Atk +35, Potency of Cure Received +2%)
    Samnuha Tights (Str +9, Dex +8, Double Atk +2%, Triple Atk +2%)
    Tatenashi Haidate
    Despair Cuisses
    Eschite Cuisses (Magic Atk Bonus +25, Conserve Mp +6, Fast Cast +5%)
    Rawhide Trousers
    Ta'lab Trousers (Acc +4, Magic Eva +4, Enmity -1)
    Founder's Hose (Mnd +2, Magic Acc +4, BDT -1%)
    Pursuer's Pants
    Xaddi Cuisses
    Kaabnax Trousers
    Valorous Greaves (Agi +3, Acc +18, Atk +27, Store TP +7)
    Valorous Greaves (Str +1, Acc +21, Atk +11, Weapon Skill Dmg +4%)
    Herculean Boots (Str +10, Acc +25, Triple Atk +3%)
    Herculean Boots (Str +8, Acc +20, Atk +17, Crit Hit Rate +3%)
    Herculean Boots (Str +1, Acc +37, Atk +22, Weapon Skill Dmg +4%)
    Herculean Boots (Dex +10, Acc +23, Crit Hit Dmg +4%)
    Amm Greaves (Hp +45, Vit +10, Acc +14, DT -1%)
    Loyalists Sabatons (Str +7, Atk +13)
    Odyssean Greaves (Acc +4, Atk +4, Magic Acc +20, Magic Atk Bonus +41, Pet: Magic Atk Bonus +27)
    Founder's Greaves (Vit +8, Acc +13, Magic Atk Bonus +14, Magic Eva +14)
    Eschite Greaves (Hp +80, Enmity +7, PDT -4%)
    Naga Kyahan
    Despair Greaves
    Theroid Greaves
    Jute Boots +1
    Ostro Greaves
    Qaaxo Leggings
    Ejekamal Boots (PDT -4%, MDT -2%)
    Sancity Necklace
    Clotharius Torque
    Lissome Necklace
    Homeric Gorget
    Bilious Torque
    Warder's Charm
    Ganesha's Mala
    Caro Necklace
    Asperity Necklace
    Fotia Gorget
    Reiki Yotai
    Sarissaphoroi Belt
    Kentarch Belt
    Ukko Sash
    Grunfeld Rope
    Sailfi Belt +1
    Metalsinger Belt
    Famine Sash
    Ponente Sash
    Fotia Belt
    Xucau Mantle
    Grounded Mantle
    Impassive Mantle
    Cichol's Mantle (Str +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Double Atk +10%)
    Toutatis's Cape (Dex +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Weapon Skill Dmg +10%)
    Toutatis's Cape (Dex +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Crit Hit Rate +10%)
    Ankou's Mantle (Fast Cast +10%)
    Smertrios's Mantle (Dex +20, Acc +30, Atk +20, Double Atk +10%)
    Ankou's Mantle (Str +30, Acc +20, Atk +20, Weapon Skill Dmg +10%)
    Segomo's Mantle (Dex +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Double Atk +10%)
    Rudianos's Mantle (Dex +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Crit Hit Rate +10%)
    Ankou's Mantle (Str +30, Acc +20, Atk +20, Double Atk +10%)
    Smertiro's Mantle (Str +30, Acc +20, Atk +20, Weapon Skill Dmg +10%)
    Senuna's Mantle
    Weard Mantle (Dex +2, Vit +3, Enmity +1, Phalanx +3)
    Takaha Mantle (Str +1, Store TP +3, Zanshin +3)
    Nith Mantle (Atk +15, Dark Skill +2, Drain and Aspir Potency +19, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
    Cornflower Cape (Mp +26, Dex +4, Acc +3)
    Evasionist's Cape (Double Atk +1%, Enmity +1, Embolden +8, DT -3%)
    Archon Cape
    Dignitary's Earring
    Cessance Earring
    Ishvara Earring
    Thureous Earring
    Infused Earring
    Etiolation Earring
    Ondowa Earring
    Zwazo Earring +1
    Lugra Earring +1
    Lugra Earring
    Nourishing Earring +1
    Nourishing Earring
    Neritic Earring
    Dudgeon Earring
    Heartseeker Earring
    Defending Ring
    Vocane Ring
    Petrov Ring
    Apate Ring
    Begrudging Ring
    Warden's Ring
    Epona's Ring
    Cacoethic Ring
    Etana Ring
    Rufescent Ring
    Apeile Ring +1
    Apeile Ring
    Overbearing Ring
    Shadow Ring
    Archon Ring

    Moonshade Earring (Atk +4, TP Bonus +250)
    Rajas Ring
    Brutal Earring

    Noteable Mage Rare/EX
    Nirvana (119)
    Hvergelmir (85)
    Akademos (Mp +80, Int +20, Magic Atk Bonus +20)
    Malevolence (Int +3, Magic Acc +5, Magic Atk Bonus +7)
    Solstice (Magic Acc +20, Pet: DT -4%, Fast Cast +5%)
    Lathi (Int +15, Magic Atk Bonus +15, Magic Acc +15)
    Espiritus (Enmity -6, Pet: Magic Atk Bonus +30, DT -4%)
    Vadose Rod
    Ababinili +1
    Marin Staff
    Rubicundity (Magic Acc +10, Magic Atk Bonus +10, Conserve Mp +7, Dark Magic Skill +10)
    Keraunos (Blood Pact Dmg +7, Pet: Crit Hit Rate +3%, Magic Atk Bonus +10%)
    Tamaxchi (Occ atk twice, Store TP +5)
    Genmei Shield
    Niobid Strap
    Seraphic Ampulla
    Convoker's Doublet +2
    Amalric Gages (Int +10, Magic Acc +15, Magic Atk Bonus +15)
    Amalric Slops (Mp +60, Magic Atk Bonus +20, Enmity -5)
    Apogee Crown +1 (Mp +80, Pet: Atk +35, Blood Pact Dmg +8)
    Apogee Crown (Mp +60, Pet: Magic Atk Bonus +30, Blood Pact Dmg +7)
    Apogee Mitts (Pet: Magic Acc +20, Blood Pact Delay -5, Blood Pact Dmg +7)
    Apogee Slacks (Pet: Str +15, Blood Pact Dmg +13, Double Atk +3%)
    Apogee Pumps +1 (Mp +80, Pet: Atk +35, Blood Pact Dmg +8)
    Apogee Pumps (Mp +60, Pet: Magic Atk Bonus +30, Blood Pact Dmg +7)
    Inyanga Tiara +1
    Inyanga Jubbah +1
    Inyanga Cuffs +1
    Inyanga Shalwar +1
    Inyanga Crackows +1
    Jhakri Coronal +1
    Jhakri Robe +1
    Jhakri Cuffs +1
    Jhakri Slops +1
    Jhakri Pigaches +1
    Helios Band (Blood Pact Dmg +6, Pet: Atk +23, Rng Atk +23, Double Atk +7%)
    Helios Spats (Blood Pact Dmg +7, Pet: Crit Hit Rate +3%, Acc +27, Rng Acc +27)
    Helios Boots (Blood Pact Dmg +7, Pet: Acc +27, Rng Acc +27, Double Atk +7%)
    Telchine Gloves (Fast Cast +5%)
    Telchine Braconi (Acc +18, Haste +3%, Pet: Haste +3%)
    Telchine Pigaches
    Azimuth Hood +1
    Azimuth Coat
    Azimuth Gloves
    Azimuth Tights
    Azimuth Gaiters
    Bagua Tunic
    Bagua Mitaines
    Bagua Pants
    Bagua Sandals
    Geomancy Galero
    Geomancy Tunic
    Geomancy Mitaines +1
    Geomancy Pants +1
    Geomancy Sandals +1
    Beckoner's Horn +1
    Beckoner's Doublet
    Beckoner's Bracers
    Beckoner's Spats
    Beckoner's Pigaches
    Glyphic Horn
    Glyphic Doublet
    Glyphic Bracers
    Glyphic Spats
    Glyphic Pigaches +1
    Convoker's Bracers
    Convoker's Spats +1
    Convoker's Pigaches
    Merlinic Hood (Magic Acc +31, Magic Atk Bonus +37, Magic Burst Dmg +9%)
    Merlinic Hood (Int +2, Acc +8, Magic Acc +9, Magic Atk Bonus +11, Fast Cast +5%)
    Merlinic Hood (Chr +7, Magic Acc +14, Drain and Aspir Potency +11%)
    Psycloth Tiara (Magic Acc +20, Fast Cast +10%, Int +7)
    Vanya Hood (Mp +50, Cure Potency +7, Enmity -6)
    Welkin Crown
    Shomonjijoe +1
    Witching Robe (Mp +20, Magic Acc +7, Magic Atk Bonus +5)
    Count's Garb
    Cohort Cloak
    Anhur Robe
    Asteria Mitts +1
    Lamassu Mitts +1
    Merlinic Dastanas (Blood Pact Dmg +10, Pet: Str +4, Magic Acc +17, Magic Atk Bonus +13)
    Merlinic Dastanas (Chr +5, Magic Acc +19, Magic Atk Bonus +15, Fast Cast +7%)
    Chironic Gloves
    Psycloth Manillas
    Vanya Cuffs
    Artsieq Cuffs (Mp +30, Pet: Atk +20, Acc +20)
    Otomi Gloves (Hp +30, Mp +60)
    Merlinci Shalwar (Int +5, Magic Acc +16, Magic Atk Bonus +31, Magic Dmg +8)
    Merlinic Shalwar (Chr +4, Magic Acc +28, Magic Atk Bonus +18, Magic Burst Dmg +10%)
    Enticer's Pants (Mp +50, Pet: Magic Acc +15, DT -5%, Acc +15, Rng Acc +15)
    Lengo Pants (Int +10, Magic Acc +15, Magic Atk Bonus +15, Refresh +1)
    Assiduity Pants +1
    Vanya Slops
    Psycloth Lappas (Mp +80, Magic Acc +15, Fast Cast +7%)
    Tatsumaki Sitagoromo (Movement Speed +8, Elemental Siphon +20)
    Merlinic Crackows (Int +10, Magic Atk Bonus +29, Magic Burst Dmg +9%)
    Merlinic Crackows (Mnd +10, Magic Acc +12, Fast Cast +6%)
    Merlinic Crackows (Magic Acc +21, Magic Atk Bonus +36, Magic Dmg +10)
    Coalrake Sabots
    Inspirited Boots
    Vanya Clogs (Cure Potency +5%, Cure Spell Casting -15%, Conserve Mp +6)
    Psycloth Boots (Mp +50, Int +7, Conserve Mp +6)
    Chironic Slippers
    Regal Pumps +1
    Tutyr Sabots
    Battlecast Gaiters
    Uk'uxkaj Boots
    Incanter's Torque
    Erra Pendant
    Voltsurge Torque
    Deino Collar
    Phalaina Locket
    Empath Necklace
    Arciela's Grace +1
    Channeler's Stone
    Shinjutsu-no-obi +1
    Lucidity Sash
    Incarnation Sash
    Askelepian Belt
    Siegel Sash
    Solemnity Cape
    Tantalic Cape
    Taranus's Cape (Int +20, Magic Atk Bonus +10, Magic Acc +20, Magic Dmg +20)
    Sucellos's Cape (Dex +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Crit Hit Rate +10%)
    Sucellos's Cape (Dex +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Dual Wield +10%)
    Sucellos's Cape (Dex +20, Acc +20, Atk +20, Store TP +10)
    Campestres's Cape (Acc +20, Atk +20, Pet: Acc +20, Rng Acc +20, Atk +20, Rng Atk +20, Regen +10)
    Bookworm's Cape (Int +1, Mnd +5, Helix Effect +14)
    Bane Cape (Magic Atk Bonus +3, Fast Cast +3%, Elemental Skill +10, Dark Skill +10)
    Conveyance Cape (Summoning Skill +4, Blood Pat Delay II -3, Pet: Enmity +15)
    Lifestream Cape (Geomancy Skill +9, Indi Effect Duration +12, Pet: DT -4%)
    Scintillating Cape
    Penetrating Cape
    Evans Earring
    Esper Earring
    Gelos Earring
    Handler's Earring +1
    Handler's Earring
    Mendicant's Earring
    Barkarole Earring
    Hecate's Earring
    Lifestorm Earring
    Psystorm Earring
    Mephitas's Ring +1
    Speaker's Ring
    Globidonta Ring
    Resonance Ring
    Locus Ring
    Vertigo Ring
    Acumen Ring

    Static Earring

    Paragon Summoner Card x27
    Paragon Samurau Card x8
    **'s Scale x1
    Rem's Tale Ch.1 x1
    Rem's Tale Ch.2 x26
    Rem's Tale Ch.3 x3
    Rem's Tale Ch.4 x3
    Rem's Tale Ch.5 x14
    Rem's Tale Ch.6 x114
    Rem's Tale Ch.7 x49
    Rem's Tale Ch.8 x36
    Rem's Tale Ch.9 x250
    Rem's Tale Ch.10 x79
    Ambuscade Voucher: Hands x1
    Ambuscade Voucher: Feet x1
    Bushin Abj: Hands
    Bushin Abj: Legs
    Bushin Abj: Feet
    Vale Abj: Head
    Vale Abj: Legs
    Vale Abj: Feet
    Grove Abj: Head
    Grove Abj: Hands
    Grove Abj: Legs
    Grove Abj: Feet
    Triton Abj: Head
    Triton Abj: Body
    Triton Abj: Hands
    Triton Abj: Legs
    Shinryu Abj: Head
    Shinryu Abj: Hands
    Abyssal Abj: Hands
    Cronian Abj: Head
    Cronian Abj: Legs
    Arean Abj: Hands
    Arean Abj: Feet
    Jovian Abj: Head
    Jovian Abj: Feet
    Venerian Abj: Head
    Venerian Abj: Legs
    Venerian Abj: Feet
    Cyllenian Abj: Head
    Cyllenian Abj: Hands
    Cyllenian Abj: Legs
    Cyllenian Abj: Feet

    Beastman Seals: 60
    Kindred Seals: 130
    Kindred Crests: 310
    High-Kindred Crests: 103
    S.Kindred Crest: 116
    Legion Points: 5790
    Sparks of Eminence: 14,447
    Nyzul Tokens: 5135
    Therion Ichor: 4340
    Cruor: 45,020,204
    Traverser Stone: 5035
    Voidstones: 245
    Bayld: 885,937
    Mweya Plasm: 27,600
    Escha Slit: 523,984
    Escha Beads: 38,422


    15 Max HP
    15 Max MP
    45 Max Merit

    15 Str
    15 Dex
    15 Vit

    8 Hand-to-Hand Skill
    8 Dagger Skill
    8 Great Sword Skill
    8 Sword Skill
    8 Axe Skill
    8 Great Axe
    8 Club Skill
    8 Staff Skill
    8 Archery Skill
    8 Marksmanship Skill
    8 Throwing Skill
    8 Guarding Skill
    8 Evasion Skill
    8 Parrying Skill

    8 Divine Skill
    8 Healing Skill
    8 Enhancing Skill
    8 Summoning Skill
    8 Blue Magic Skill
    8 Handbell Skill
    8 Geomancy Skill

    5 Enmity Increase
    5 Spell Interruption Rate

    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10

    Job Points:

    Total: 5

    Total: 7

    Total: 2100

    Total: 325

    Total: 385

    Total: 219

    Total: 610

    Total: 2100

    Total: 2100

    Total: 667

    3/3 Lunar Abyssites
    40 Total

    Crimson Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
    Indigo Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
    Jade Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
    White Stratum Abyssite Tier 6
    Ashen Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
    Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
    Amber Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
    Total: 41

    Coalition Ranks
    Pioneer Contributor
    Courier Petitioner
    Inventor Contributor
    Mummer Petitioner
    Peacekeeper Contributor
    Scout Petitioner

    Alizarin Clear
    Zaffre Clear
    Celadon Clear
    Russet Clear
    Phlox Clear
    Aster Clear

    Total: 32

    Escha Vorseal
    HP/MP+ 7
    Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 6
    Def+ 8
    Atk/R.Atk+ 8
    M.Acc/M.Eva+ 9
    M.Def+ 9
    M.Atk+ 8
    DEX/AGI+ 10
    STR/VIT+ 9
    INT/MND/CHR+ 9
    Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
    Killer Effects+ 3
    Damage Taken 3
    Spoils+ 11
    Rare Enemy+ 9
    Luck+ 10
    Regen+ 2
    Refresh+ 2
    Accuracy++ 7

    Why am I selling this high-end account? Honestly, I've done what I wanted with it. The original owner put an insane amount of time on this account and, like me, was an extreme multi-boxer. (Evidenced by the macros he provided me with when I reached out to him after purchasing from a third party). At one point I had 6 accounts and am now putting myself down to three! It was a hard choice to decide which one to part with (I could have just sold everything and kept this as my Aeonic farmer) but some habits die hard and I still want to multi-box.

    I do not guarantee that this account has every single item as listed above. It will have the majority, however. (No rare/ex items are missing but may be on alts) Some of the money items may have been sold, others have been added, over the last several months. The account will come with the Sachet +1 ammo for SMN, as well as it does also have the earring from Omen / rings for rage blood pacts. The SMN is aeonic-clear ready and will be a great addition to your team, or just an amazing all-around character if you're looking to transition to a new main / coming back to the game, etc.

    I have also upgraded the BLM AF1 body to AF1 +2 to make mana management a bit easier. Your Empy staff is at level 85, in case you want to spend some time to max it out for your death set. I used this account since February for multiple roles: SAM for power leveling job points on my alts, BLM for Omen / Escha / Ambuspam, SMN for Escha. To be honest I haven't messed with the DRK or PLD on this account.... I have these covered on my mains. That said, you can plug and play into almost anything you want to do.

    This will come with the updated Lua's. All settings / macros / equipsets will be saved to the server. I will also provide windower macros. The account is currently four T4 kills away from the Aeonic Great Katana. If you have any questions, please PM me. I will keep this open for one week, or until the buyout amount is met. I will accept paypal from repeat buyers / good karma. Otherwise we will work out something else.

    Opening Bid: $1200
    Buyout: $1800

    Lowerthe price?} I will lower the price for Aeonic clears on my mains (including bead farm), possible HQ items, etc. We can work out the details. (HQ items will be at a 1m/gil:$1 ratio. Aenoic clears will be at the current industry market value)
    #1 Fellina, 5/25/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/26/21
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