Selling After 3+ years of daily playing I think it's...

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Giorgos Vourganas, 5/30/17.

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  1. Giorgos Vourganas

    Giorgos Vourganas
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    After 3+ years of daily playing I think it's time to sell my Hearthstone account (EU). I have been a member since 2014 so I have GvG, Nax, Blackrock, LoE, Un'Goro, Gadgetzan, Karazhan and Old Gods. I have 70 legendaries: Fandral Staghelm - Kun the Forgotten King - King Krush - Archmage Antonidas - Tirion Fordring - Awaken the Makers - Lyra the Sunshard - Raza the Chained - Prophet Velen - White Eyes - Lakkari Sacrifice - Clutchmother Zavas - Vol'jin - Anub'arak - The Mistcaller - Lord Jaraxxus - Mal'Ganis - Malkorok - Grommash Hellscream - Varian Wrynn - Patches the Pirate (gold) - Sir Finley - Bloodmage Thalnos - Bran Bronzebeard - Moroes - Barnes - Baron Rivendare - Elise Starseeker - Kazakus - Old Murk-Eye - Feugen - Stalagg - Harisson Jones - Leeroy Jenkins - Loatheb - Prince Malchezaar - Aya Blackpaw - Emperor Thaurissan - Cairne Bloodhoof - Illidan Stormrage - Justicar Trueheart - Maexxna - Reno Jackson - Sylvanas Windrunner - The Black Knight - Toshley - Baron Geddon - Dr. Boom - Chillmaw - Rend Blackhand - The Curator - Twin Emperor Vek'lor - Chromaggus - Kel'Thuzad - Medivh, the Guardian - Ragnaros the Firelord - The Boogeymonster - Alexstrasza - Arch-Thief Rafaam - Icehowl - Majordomo Executus - Malygos - Nefarian - Soggoth the Slitherer - Ysera - C'Thun - Deathwing - Deathwing, Deathlord - N'Zoth. the Corruptor - Yogg-Saron, Hope's End -and many epic and rare cards. All heroes are gold (500+ wins with each). Also have Medivh character and the new Rogue character! Asking price: 450 euros.
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