Selling  High End  North America  11+ Max Level Aether - all DoH DoL capped, bis + penta melded, multiple ucob uwu totem/weapons, mansion, 200m gil

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sellmyaccount16, 6/20/19.

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  1. sellmyaccount16

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    Hello, I am selling my FFXIV account with subscription active until July 26th, 2019

    Shadowbringers Pre-order active, with bonus items(minion and earring) on account.

    I have a large (solo FC) mansion on the most popular Aether Datacenter.

    All DoH and DoL classes are capped with near cap desynthesis on 3 classes, all BiS and penta melded with Med-High melds(some VI and V, rest III and IV), can easily macro craft any item from any tier if you wish.

    There are 3 ucob and 2 uwu spare totems on top of already obtained NIN weapons for both.

    All physical DPS classes are capped (Except SAM 64 at 99%), as well as level 70 AST and 65 DRK.

    Retainers are stocked with thousands of materias of all tiers, mass number of i400 alphascape raid gear and genesis totem gear, as well as all + multiple duplicate 385 Seiryu weapons. As well as 1 spare omega weapon offer unopened and many many crafting materials worth decent amounts of Gil.

    596 All Star Points from Alphascape on FFlogs, although should be for vanity only, I do not recommend LFG'ing with my logs if you cannot perform at the same level and highly suggest a name change as well.

    Racing Chocobo is built for 2 button auto 1st place on short maps such as Sangoli Road.

    ARR, HW, SB relic weapons for NIN, SB relic for MCH. With God-Tier stats on NIN daggers and great stats on MCH gun.

    All squadron capped and listing maxed with max reserve listings.

    6 and half kamuys out of 7(6 and 50 seiryu totems), for the ninetails, firebird, kirin, cactuar 2m mgp etc. some of the rare ones i have include: all 3 garo pvp mounts, 3x HoH floor 100 completion juedi, witch's broom from mogstation, eldthurs from eureka, rathalos, air force from kefka savage, model O from omega savage, ozma from BA, even with 10 BA completion achievement.

    mentor status meets all requirements except getting 5 more levels on DRK

    for triple triad, i've done alot of npc battles and grinded some of the 4 and 5 star rare cards, i have really good decks for every rule such as ascension, reverse, default etc. etc.

    it's my original account, i never shared with anyone, never botted or bought gil, never got in any kind of trouble or received any warnings/punishments etc.

    there is so much more that i can't list all here, such as capped battle retainers, previous tier raid gears, mogstation snowman glam etc. just message me if you have any requests or questions I'd be happy to answer. also could stream the account to showcase everything available.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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