Nexvi's Advanced Discord Server Setup Comes with: > Channels designed by your choice of theme, fonts, emojis, symbols and order. > Categories well organized. > Roles fully made with (basic) role icons made by us, comes with the service. > Role Permissions. > # setup (# of your choice) FULL # setup. > Server Icon made by us (basic) > 14x 3 months Server Boosts Extra Services: to buy extra services you must pay $5 extra. > Organized setup of rules, announcement template etc. using discohook (guided) > Automated Verification System (to avoid alt accounts or raids in your server) > Advanced Automod > Ticket system > Reaction Roles > One system of your choice God tier: to buy god tier service you must pay $7.50 extra. (ONLY IF YOU'VE BOUGHT EXTRA SERVICES) > Custom discord # of your choice. (we'll code it for you) CONTACT: @lovednigger (preferred) OR @nexvi