Hello at all! I want to offer adultfinder live cam account. Prices: Starter : 185 Tokens, no custom login info, no warranty. : 8usd Starter+: 185tokens, custom login info, warranty (if your account get blocked i provide to create 1 more account with 100token as fast i can. only 1 time and you should provide proof of block.). : 16usd Amateur: 370tokens, custom login info, warranty 1x account (with200token) Amateur+: 370tokens (sale of 3usd on every charge of 370token),custom login, warranty 1 account 370 token, and vpn to login secure (decrease block%): 25 usd Daily I can charge on every account 370 token for only 8usd. Skype : zshock Terms of Service: -no account share, in any forum or with friends. just dont share. this make your account blocked. -You cant change the log info : password and username. (u can provide when u buy custom login) -You automatically agree to this when you decide to buy from me Attached Images http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif proof.png[/URL] [Download and Thanks] (13.7 KB) [*]http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif proof 2.png [Download and Thanks] (11.4 KB)