Sold Accounts Game Eden Eternal Server Obsidian level 75

Discussion in 'Eden Eternal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vyzer, 5/12/15.

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  1. Vyzer

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    Sell Accounts Game Eden Eternal Server Obsidian level 75
    I plan to hold on level 75 DDrun selling services and does not plan to ride level

    Name = secret
    Level = 75
    Main match = STR and TB

    1. Class Set
    level 75 : Warior, Mimic
    and more all class minimal level 60+

    2. Armor Set
    + Awaken Meteor Storm set level 70
    + Awaken Saint's Prestige set level 70
    + Heresy Judgement & Heretical Power

    3. Weapon
    I have a lot of weapons gold
    and one of my favorite weapon that I use is <Dragonwing Axe+14>

    4. PET
    > Purebred Toy Poodle, prime level 75
    > Magic Papillon, prime level 69 have 4 start

    5. Mount
    - <Supreme War Jet (Prime)> : Move SPD increases +90%

    6. more Costum
    a. Fallen Angel Gorewings (Prime) : CRIT & M-CRIT +10%
    b. Delicate Daisy Duke Bikini : HP +5%, MP +5%
    c. Multihue Bubble (Prime) : ATK +5%, M-ATK +5%, G-Healing +5%
    d. and many items that I did not mention alpha.......

    7. ring, Tropy. more
    Please see directly in the game

    Complete with email ID in use at Aeria and email gmail. I love all of the complete data.
    The price of $ 75 USD. cheap can not be less.
    Only accept payment via Paypal USD.
    Please contact me :

    Phone Number = +6281344669976 or Leave Mesage
    Email = [email protected] (fast respon)
    facebook. = secret- Email your facebook. for my ADD

    I can meet with you in the game if you immediately want to buy it for my show evidence
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    I also make alternative payments through the game's only 450K gold Gold, simply by paying 450K Gold, you can already get this account complete with gmail email account and Aeria account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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