Sold Account with Empyrean Support Pack and more

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PathOfSelling, 7/25/20.

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  1. PathOfSelling

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
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    (The main mtx stuff)

    Spent 400€+ on the account.
    Lots and lots of stash pages and other great stuff!
    Account will be transfered to a email of your choice. Not connected to Steam.

    Selling because I completely quit the game for good and I'm trying to focus on different stuff in life.

    No idea of what's in the standard stashes cause I have only played leagues and I do not have the game currently installed.

    PlayerUp middleman will be used if you click the "Buy Now" button on the top right.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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