Selling  High End Account with 45 heroes, all have specific-hero stashes, and a lot of great stuff !!! 160 usd

Discussion in 'Marvel Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Moltios Yolfed, 6/1/18.

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  1. Moltios Yolfed

    Moltios Yolfed
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    welcome !

    I'm an enthusiastic Marvel fan. I really like the game and played it a lot back then. I spent a lot of money on the game. Unfortunately, due to my real life situation, I don't have time to play this great game anymore. So I decided to sell my account to other Marvel fans who love this game so much !

    My account has almost every hero unlocked (among them all the strongest heroes of the game), all of them have their specific-hero stash, and a lot of other luxurious stuff.I also have tons of XP,Special Item Find, Rare Item Find, Orb Range, Bonus credits potion in my storage. All vendor and crafter's levels are maxed with lots of runes and resources in storage.I also have a high amount of in-game currency for you to buy stuff you like.

    In conclusion, basically, if you buy this account, you'll be set for life ! Just log in and enjoy playing the game. I will show you below.



    More Images in here

    contact me for more information about the account and know about the heroes.
    mail [email protected]
    Taking offers starting at 160$.
    PayPal Only

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