Sold Account with 31 4 characters, 8 MLB characters and tons of weapons.

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by catalsytflower, 11/16/21.

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  1. catalsytflower

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    After a long time of thinking decided to let go of my account, I dont have the time anymore to play.
    Was working on EX Levania before I decided to quit, its at stage 6 right now. Didn't log in for a long time so dont know about arena ranking right now.
    Has around 120k Force and rank is 100. Has most top tiers characters uncapped at least once, also lots of dupes.
    I will stop playing now so new events wont be grinded.
    Price is 150€ I'm not in a rush to sell.

    I do not use...

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