Selling Account thats been used since release. All chars...

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by Ken Vokey, 1/20/10.

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  1. Ken Vokey

    Ken Vokey
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    Account thats been used since release. All chars have epic flying and tons of loot. account comes with about 15k gold and enough stuff on them that you can sell for another 10k gold. All chars i belive have max fishing / cooking. 4 80s all completely geared for ICC25man main raider char is 80 rogue with max JC/Inscription. ICC25 man / 10Man loot. Frost badge gear. 85 epic mounts. 75 pets. more raid stuff than you can shake a stick at. does 9k dps no prob. has like 22 titles and even a contest winners tabard which is extremely rare considering only like 20 characters have it out of the 30 million chars currently in the game :-/ im also exalted with 38 out of the 40 reputations. PM me for info on other chars and price
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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