Sold Account that can easily compete in any top 10 guild. 598 Legs and 22 mythics.

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheRedDragon666, 6/14/19.

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  1. TheRedDragon666

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    Looking to sell my account that I have used for 2 years. 12244 pvp wins, 516/826 combos discovered, 598 Legs, 22 mythics. 73 combos at cm2 and 1 combo at cm 3 with 2 close to cm3 plus I have 18 cm1 that could be cm2 if I had them researched and 100+ at cm1. Account has spent close to 10k while being used.

    Total Legs: 598
    Quads: 244 (40.80%)
    Dual: 96 (16.05%)
    Unfused: 258 (43.14%)
    Chars: 116 (19.40%)
    Items: 405 (67.73%)
    PCs: 77 (12.88%)

    - By Type -
    1. Chars (116)
    Quads: 75 (64.66%)
    Dual: 9 (7.76%)
    Unfused: 32 (27.59%)

    Most Quadded
    Philip J. Fry (11)

    Char Count By Show [Q]
    FT: 22 (29.33%)
    AD: 18 (24.00%)
    FG: 13 (17.33%)
    BB: 11 (14.67%)
    KH: 11 (14.67%)
    2. Items (405)
    Quads: 141 (34.81%)
    Dual: 65 (16.05%)
    Unfused: 199 (49.14%)

    Most Quadded
    Chinchilla Addict Wayne (6)

    Item Count By Show [Q]
    BB: 39 (27.66%)
    FG: 34 (24.11%)
    KH: 25 (17.73%)
    AD: 22 (15.60%)
    FT: 21 (14.89%)

    Item Count By BGE [Q]
    Drunk: 23 (16.31%)
    Addicted: 18 (12.77%)
    Armed: 18 (12.77%)
    Disguised: 14 (9.93%)
    Musical: 12 (8.51%)
    Animal: 11 (7.80%)
    Fighter: 11 (7.80%)
    Athletic: 10 (7.09%)
    Educated: 9 (6.38%)
    Artistic: 6 (4.26%)
    Rich: 5 (3.55%)
    3. PCs (77)
    Quads: 28 (36.36%)
    Dual: 22 (28.57%)
    Unfused: 27 (35.06%)

    Most Quadded
    Medicated Stewie (5)

    PC Count By Show [Q]
    FG: 9 (32.14%)
    FT: 9 (32.14%)
    AD: 8 (28.57%)
    BB: 1 (3.57%)
    KH: 1 (3.57%)

    PC Count By BGE [Q]
    Addicted: 9 (32.14%)
    Drunk: 7 (25.00%)
    Musical: 3 (10.71%)
    Animal: 3 (10.71%)
    Armed: 2 (7.14%)
    Disguised: 2 (7.14%)
    Athletic: 2 (7.14%)
    Educated: 1 (3.57%)
    Artistic: 1 (3.57%)
    Rich: 1 (3.57%)

    3 | Medicated Stewie | 0
    2 | Another Lousy Millenium | 10
    2 | Balloon Fight | 0
    2 | Balloon Sniper | 0
    2 | Bandit Bob | 0
    2 | Battle Axe Peggy | 0
    2 | Bender's Ducklings | 5
    2 | Benderbrau | 0
    2 | Betsy | 0
    2 | Brainwashed Hayley | 0
    2 | Burobu Addict | 35
    2 | Cartel Klaus | 20
    2 | Charts and Graphs | 0
    2 | Chicken Fight | 10
    2 | Christmas Trap | 0
    2 | Chunky Blast Offs | 0
    2 | CIA Student | 0
    2 | Claw-Plach | 0
    2 | Country Club Steve | 5
    2 | Crack Addict Stan | 20
    2 | Crate Trained Steve | 0
    2 | Criss Cross Applesauce | 5
    2 | Devil Hank | 70
    2 | Dog Bone Stan | 0
    2 | Drunk Leela | 10
    2 | Drunk Stan | 0
    2 | Dummy Fight | 0
    2 | Fake Son Gene | 0
    2 | Fart in a Jar | 0
    2 | Fart School Louise | 0
    2 | Fry in Robot Disguise | 0
    2 | Gaga Ball | 0
    2 | Hangover Nightmare | 0
    2 | Heavy Metal Hayley | 0
    2 | High School Bill | 0
    2 | Jose Servo | 0
    2 | Karate Stewie | 0
    2 | Katz | 0
    2 | Klaus's Fish Wife | 0
    2 | Klepto Bender | 0
    2 | Knife Fight Stewie | 0
    2 | Leela Balloon Art | 0
    2 | Life Drawing Hayley | 0
    2 | Lounge Singer Hayley | 0
    2 | Moonshine Roger | 0
    2 | One Man Musical | 30
    2 | Pan Flute Stewie | 0
    2 | Pool Shark | 10
    2 | Positron Shooter Fry | 0
    2 | Rapture Stan | 30
    2 | Red Rodriguez 2 Real | 0
    2 | Responsible Cocaine User Bullock | 10
    2 | Ricky Spanish | 10
    2 | Rooftop Drunk | 0
    2 | Rough Night Stan | 0
    2 | Sewer Surfer Fry | 0
    2 | Shoplift Addict | 0
    2 | Show and Tell | 0
    2 | Shut Up and Take My Money | 10
    2 | Slurm Loco | 0
    2 | Smoke Bomb | 0
    2 | Space Queen | 0
    2 | Super Dance Squad | 0
    2 | The Thinker Ape | 0
    2 | Trippy Zoidberg | 0
    2 | Vengeance Quagmire | 0
    2 | Whale Hunter Amy | 0
    2 | Whiskey Bartender | 0
    2 | Whiskey Drunk Brian | 0
    2 | Wild Brian | 0
    2 | Will of a Housewife | 0
    2 | Wingnut Amy | 40
    2 | Wingnut Leela | 0
    2 | Zoidberg vs Bot | 0

    only including cm 1 that could be cm2

    1 | Baseball Bobby | 25
    1 | Burger Addict Teddy | 35
    1 | Claw Machine | 45
    1 | Drunk Bullock | 25
    1 | Drunk Peter | 25
    1 | Falconer Hayley | 25
    1 | Golfer Amy | 25
    1 | Kidney Killer | 25
    1 | Marionette Chris | 40
    1 | Martian Calendar | 25
    1 | Mocktrial Louise | 25
    1 | Santa Killer Hayley | 25
    1 | Slip 'n Slide Bob | 35
    1 | Tainted Alamo | 25
    1 | The Equestranauts | 35
    1 | Victory Dance | 40
    1 | Viking Peter | 25
    1 | Wine Tasting Linda | 30

    #1 TheRedDragon666, 6/14/19
    Last edited: 6/14/19
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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