Hallo epvp community, ich verkaufe meine Accounts Informationen: Account 1: Level: 60 Name: good combi: 21 35/40 Forcepacks: Taser || Crow || DHa-41 || Toygun || Puppy || Dragonade || Sets || None: Master bis 21 und Sentimental Shirt +7 Perm Training Subs and PS Perm! __ Account 2: Name: good Level: 55-56 combi: 19 10/20 Forcepacks: Bloody ||Crow ||Taser AYA! RIFFLE || Lasercat || DHa-41 Blue Handgun || Toygun || Puppy Signal Railgun || Dragonade Sets : Pirate Set W Sixpack ABS SET M ELEGANT TATTO BODY SET M Gothic SET M Accesouir: Maser Dandy sunglases x2 Easter Egg Skeleton Mask Baseball Helmet Crown of Queen Noodle Pet: 3x Sparky Pengun #0 SpaceRabit Bieten - # # Have you skype? Yes - Skype: HeadAimerHD Wie viele Threads erstellst du bitte f